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The storm of boos in Qatar: the Palestinian swimmer supported Gorbenko, the Italian was consoled - voila! sport


Highlights: Anastasia Gorbenko won the silver medal at the World Swimming Championships. She was booed in the stands on the grounds of her being Israeli before, during and after she recorded the rare achievement. A Palestinian swimmer protested the whistles at the ceremony. The Italian Sara Franceschi, who won the bronze, recognized the distress and hugged her. The world media does not let up on the drama and continues to report the story. More in Walla! The intriguing process of recycling metal packaging.

New details are revealed: a Palestinian swimmer protested the whistles at the ceremony ("as athletes, we all talk"), Franceschi, who won the bronze, recognized the distress and hugged

Anastasia Gorbenko in Israel, after winning the medal at the World Championships in Qatar/photo: Avi Rokah.

Video editing: Nir Chen

The World Swimming Championships ended two days ago, but the world media does not let up on the drama surrounding Anastasia Gorbenko, and continues to report the story extensively.

Yesterday, the dispatch of the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera" to Doha, Qatar dedicated a separate article to Gorbenko and the tension and temptations that accompanied her historic silver medal win, after, as I recall, she was booed in the stands on the grounds of her being Israeli before, during and after she recorded the rare achievement.

"I came here to do what I love, what I am best at - swimming," Gorbenko told the newspaper.

"I'm proud to compete under the Israeli flag and represent my country here. If someone doesn't like it, that's their problem."

Gorbenko said that "when I started hearing the boos, I was a little shocked. There was a lot of noise in the pool, so I couldn't understand what was going on around me. When I got out I realized I was being booed. What can I say? It has nothing to do with sports."

The Italian Sara Franceschi, who finished after Gorbenko and picked up the bronze medal, said that she recognized "distress" in the Israeli during the medal ceremony, and went over to hug, comfort and support her.

"It was a difficult moment, and I couldn't stand by and not react. No athlete should suffer like this, it's illogical and wrong. She just wanted to celebrate the good result she did," said Franceschi, and Gorbenko said: "Sarah and I know each other well . She is a good friend and an extraordinary personality."

A true company.

Franceschi hugs Gorbenko/Reuters

Three Palestinian swimmers also competed in Doha.

One of them, Yazan Al Bawab, agreed to be interviewed and protested against the whistles for Gorbenko, which he said were unsportsmanlike.

"I have no problem with swimmers from Israel competing here. As long as we compete, as long as we are busy with sports, we are all the same," said Al Bawab, who said that he, like Gorbenko, "is proud to represent my country precisely at this time."

"I was born in Saudi Arabia, I grew up in Dubai, I studied at university in Canada and I live in the Netherlands - and still, I feel Palestinian," says Al Bawab.

"My father was born in Palestine and immigrated to Italy, but he instilled in me the pride of being Palestinian. It is important for me to be here, to represent Palestine and to show that we are also human. I wanted to make the voice of those whose voices are not heard heard."

More in Walla!

The intriguing process of recycling metal packaging

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Yazan Al Bawab/GettyImages, Nikola Krstic/BSR Agency

The popular Spanish magazine "Relevo" also devoted an extensive article to Gorbenko, in which they referred, among other things, to Israel's improved achievements in the Olympic disciplines in recent years.

"Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been able to host major sporting events in recent years, including the World Championships in Athletics, the World Cup in Soccer or swimming and tennis tournaments. From a sporting point of view, it is Israel that records much more impressive achievements, and has recently often won medals in a variety of Olympic disciplines," it says.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Anastasia Gorbenko

  • swimming

Source: walla

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