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French Women's Team: a showcase of global evolution, transformation and innovation


Highlights: French Women's Team: a showcase of global evolution, transformation and innovation. Philippe Diallo recalled the increase in women's licenses and the stated desire to support athletes and performance as close as possible to the realities and specificities of those who inspire us on and off the field. An assumed feminization plan and a look at the future of women's sport shared by the amphitheater but also and above all by a technical direction which supported and drove this first meeting alongside Chloé Leprince from the FFF Research Center.

While the Blues will face Germany this evening for their first 2024 match where audience records are expected, it is on another field that we met those who make women's football a tool for innovation, of cohesion and empowerment. Behind the scenes tour of...

The program for Monday February 19 was rich on paper but all the more relevant once there.

A conference dedicated to women's sport with an opening from President Diallo who recalled the increase in women's licenses and the stated desire to support athletes and performance as close as possible to the realities and specificities of those who inspire us on the field and in out.

With more than 12% more licensees, French football is doing well but displays a desire to continue to break the codes and attract more and more young girls.

To discover

  • FILE - The Sports Business Observatory

With more than 12% more licensees, French football is doing well MediasPolis and Richard LOYANT for the FFF

An assumed feminization plan and a look at the future of women's sport shared by the amphitheater but also and above all by a technical direction which supported and drove this first meeting alongside Chloé Leprince from the FFF Research Center so that science is fully put at the service of performance obviously but also that it allows open discussions on the bodies of young girls which are changing, the paths of women who are evolving, the obstacles encountered and the mental health/load which must be taken into account.

Philippe Diallo recalled the increase in women's licenses and the stated desire to support athletes and performance as close as possible to the realities and specificities of those who inspire us on and off the field.

MediasPolis and Richard LOYANT for the FFF

Full-fledged athletes: champions and role models

Full-fledged athletes and professionalization underway so that performance is a common objective but not an end in itself.

Sonia Bompastor confides that at OL:

“each player wears a ring which makes it possible to measure all the recovery parameters on a daily basis, day and night: quality of sleep, diet, body temperature, link between training load. and recovery of the night with expert people on the staff to analyze the data and allow us to have the essential information to adapt or individualize the training session »

S'épanouir et s'ouvrir au monde, en devenir une vitrine avec la volonté que les femmes soient au même titre que les joueurs masculins dans les meilleures conditions. Sandrine Soubeyrand pour le Paris FC partage son expertise en toute simplicité : « En devenant professionnelles, les joueuses veulent répondre aux enjeux et être performantes. Là où il faut encore sensibiliser les joueuses, le plus jeunes : comment on devient une professionnelle aguerrie, quelle organisation et quels moyens on met à disposition. Notre mission est de rendre nos joueuses performantes mais en gardant un bien-être physique et mental avec la récupération au cœur des dispositifs et la gestion de la pression qui peut être forte ».

Sandrine Soubeyrand pour le Paris FC partage son expertise en toute simplicité MediasPolis et Richard LOYANT pour la FFF

Croire en nous, pousser les barrières : oser

Les chiffres donnent raison à la passion mais imposent qu'on l'accompagne pour la pérenniser et en cela, des chercheurs ont travaillé sur l'intelligence artificielle au service de la performance mais aussi sur le bien-être physique et mental avec des échanges individualisés auprès des joueuses et le message clair aux jeunes générations : croire en son rêve et se donner les moyens de l'accomplir.

Avec plus de 220.000 licenciées et un plan de féminisation impulsé en 2012 axé sur la mixité et la promotion au féminin, la FFF connaît une augmentation record de 12% de ses licenciées (pratiquantes, éducatrices, dirigeantes). Éduquer par le sport, oui, s'accomplir et transmettre le message aussi. Les témoignages ont permis de se dire toutes ensemble combien il était possible avec une équipe soudée d'y parvenir sans oublier l'audace : oser. Ce mot est souvent revenu avec Sonia Bompastor qui a partagé son expérience personnelle : « Quand le Président Aulas me propose de devenir coach principal, il m'a aussi permis de rester maman de 4 enfants avec une organisation personnelle qui me permette de relever le défi et on doit aussi passer le mot. Il faut encourager les femmes à aller sur ces responsabilités. Croire en nous et pousser les barrières parce qu'on est tout à fait capable ».

Pour clore la journée, c'est Stéphanie Frappart qui prend la parole. On ne la présente plus, pionnière et « number one » : première femme à arbitrer un match masculin de ligue 2 et de ligue 1, élue meilleure arbitre féminine du monde pour la cinquième fois consécutive par la FIHFS.

MediasPolis et Richard LOYANT pour la FFF

Stéphanie Frappart : humilité, passion et détermination

A humility and authenticity which alone sums up the day.

She will testify to the long journey and the confidence she has learned to nurture, the doubts she may encounter and the decisions to make:

“Yes, for the first world release, we have pressure but I put myself in my bubble.

I knew that if the doors finally opened, they could also close very quickly.

And it's more about all the young girls that I was thinking of, those who will arrive later and for whom I am here too.

I always hope that the decision I make is the right one and that it will have the least impact on the match.

Because in the end, we will always be criticized by one of the two teams.

Today, as technical director delegated to refereeing, I am focused on the promotion of women and the development of refereeing to encourage vocations and support them with the desire to create a specific training course


In this, France is a pilot and leading nation.

For the final words, we happily leave it to

“We are at the beginning of something incredible and it’s beautiful, we will work on it tirelessly”


In the front row, Laura Georges, the footballer with more than 180 caps:

“I came with great pleasure and if someone had told me a few years ago that

women's sport would evolve so much... football

is a part of our lives and I want to thank you all, I am thinking in particular of the volunteers and the educators.

As well as Mr. Aulas who is very involved

. ”

MediasPolis and Richard LOYANT for the FFF

Laura is right, this conference was not performance or elite.

It's inspiration and a beautiful road map, a page that fills out and on which everyone can write a few lines that we can discover in a few years.

And already this evening, in front of our screens to encourage each other and support our blues.

Source: lefigaro

All sports articles on 2024-02-23

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