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The Slovenian celebrity who burst onto the field with a hat: "Netanyahu - a modern Hitler" - voila! sport


Highlights: Frankie Kek, a famous Slovenian actor and activist, took part in anti-Israeli protest. Kek is a known hater of Israel and regularly criticizes the United States. He is known as an ardent supporter of the Palestinian struggle. In a tweet: Kek breaks into the court and lies down on the parquet twitter As mentioned, Kek was among the leaders of the protest before and after the game. According to reports in Slovenia, some of the masterminds were not Slovenians but Italians who live close to the town of Kuper.

In Slovenia, the surprising identity of the intruder: a famous movie actor, an enthusiastic supporter of the Palestinians, who compared the Israeli government to Nazi Germany

Anti-Israeli protest at the national team's game in Slovenia/courtesy of the Basketball Association

The day after the victory over the Israeli national team, in Slovenia they are not dealing with the hero of the victory, Kalman Perplich, but with another "hero" - the film actor and activist Frankie Kek, who took an active part in the protest against Israel last night (Sunday) in the hall and outside.

Kek, a very famous player in Slovenia who defines himself as a human rights activist and is known as an ardent supporter of the Palestinian struggle, was the man who burst onto the field before the start of the second half with a cap and prostrated himself on the floor, which caused a slight delay in the start of the third quarter.

In Slovenia, they enthusiastically reported on Kek's act of protest, who was taken out of the hall by security guards as he appeared to be smiling and satisfied with the situation.

Late at night, Kek uploaded to the social network "X" (formerly Twitter) a photo of himself with the kaffia in question outside the hall, and bragged about his actions.

"In such a time of disputes around the world, it is important to step out of our comfort zone and say loud and clear - Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians, and when Netanyahu looks in the mirror, he sees Hitler in front of him. Basketball was completely secondary tonight," he wrote, fueling the fire with a number of hateful comments Later in the evening, including a public call to sign a petition calling for Israel to be suspended from international sporting events.

Kek before the check in the hall/image processing, from Twitter

And "smiley" after check/image processing, from Twitter

As mentioned, Kek is a known hater of Israel and regularly criticizes the United States, which he calls "the number 1 terrorist country in the world."

He "gets" to voice his extreme views on every possible platform.

These are the words of incitement, for example, that he wrote in a column published last December on the "Siol" website, one of the largest and most popular in the country: "Netanyahu is a modern Hitler. His ultimate goal is the extermination of all Palestinians, and he will not stop until he achieves it. He does not care if they die From the bombings, from hunger or infections - he has no mercy. When you see his government, you realize that the circle has closed. Israel has become Nazi Germany. The army directs the unfortunate Gazans to a different place each time, and then bombs them unconscious. It seems to them that Hamas is everywhere."

In Kek's opinion, "The fact that the Palestinians' support for Hamas only increased after October 7th is an expression of their desperation, helplessness and rage, which will be manifested in the future. And just as Hamas is a problem for the Palestinians, Netanyahu is a problem for the Israelis. Both are ready to kill as many as possible People, without any diagnosis. But this will have consequences."

In a tweet: Kek breaks into the court and lies down on the parquet


As mentioned, Kek was among the leaders of the protest before and after the game.

Throughout the game behind the national team's bench, fans chanted against Israel, waved Palestinian flags and pro-Palestinian signs, which were confiscated by the local police.

According to reports in Slovenia, some of the masterminds were not Slovenians but Italians who live close to the town of Kuper, where the match was held.

One way or another, the incitement against Israel seems to be at its peak - and the Israeli national team is feeling the consequences.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Israel basketball team

  • Benjamin Netanyahu

Source: walla

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