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Who has more respect: the tennis scandal in Dubai destroyed the game - voila! sport


Highlights: Andrey Rublev was kicked out of the Dubai tournament after he lashed out at a linesman. The incident goes beyond the world of tennis, and one can learn a lot from it, says Peter Walla. Walla: Rublev is known as a hot-tempered, not to mention hot-headed, tennis player who occasionally loses it on the court. The judge is of course not a factor, just background. Its role is to be imperceptible,. not to disturb. Technology hurts his status and makes him redundant.

Athletes without limits, unnecessary referees who are humiliated, principles that destroy the game and violent war with violence. The incident goes beyond the world of tennis, and one can learn a lot from it

Outside the Lines, 29.2/Photography: Walla System Video Editing: Gilad Mann Mannheim

The organizers of the Dubai tournament decided to kick Andrey Rublev out of the competition after he lashed out at a linesman, and everyone is clear that this is an incident that goes beyond the world of tennis.

It happened in the semi-finals, in the third and decisive set, at the height of tension, the height of pressure, against Alexander Boblik.

When Rublev was behind 6:5, he got mad at the line judge claiming that it missed a ball that went out, and attacked him.

He approached him with a threatening movement, pressed his face against him and started shouting at him and waving his hands.

Another judge who was there claimed that Rublev cursed in Russian.

The organizers heard the testimony, and the chief judge had no choice but to inform the audience: Rublev was eliminated.


Rublev denied cursing in Russian and insisted he spoke in English, but it didn't help.

He asked that they test the reverse gear again and see that the ball was really out, but that didn't matter to anyone either.

He lost the game, flew out of the tournament and lost all the points he had earned and the winning prizes.

Even Boblik tried to convince the judges that as far as he was concerned, nothing happened and he wanted to continue, but the judges had already decided on exclusion and removal.

So what can be said about the event:

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  • 1. First of all criticize the player for violent and bullying behavior.

    This is a bad scene, which creates an unpleasant feeling.

    Aggression and condescension towards a poor linesman, whose only sin was perhaps missing by a few centimeters the trajectory of a small ball that was flying fast.

    This is unacceptable, disparaging, humiliating behavior that cannot be put up with or passed over in silence.

    It is not legitimate to talk to a person like that, even if you are his boss, a colleague, or when he is just a negligible bystander at an event where you are the star.

    We understand that there are nerves and passion for playing, but first of all, behave like a human being.

  • 2. Relax.


    Rublev is known as a hot-tempered, not to mention hot-headed, tennis player who occasionally loses it on the court.

    When asked in Australia what goes through his mind while he is boiling, he replied "You don't want to know".

    Perhaps like Draymond Green, for Rublev this is also an opportunity to take care of himself a little, to look at himself from the explosive side - and to understand that something in him needs to change.

Lost it, not for the first time.

Rublev lashes out at linesman/GettyImages Christopher Pike

  • 3. This is mainly a reminder of the importance of the mental aspect, of the demand and expectation from an athlete to hold his own, because even in the specific case of Rublev, this is a Top 5 player who always messes up in the big moments of the big tournaments, and maybe some screws need to be tightened, a little more composure.

    The expectation is that he will do like Djokovic: break rackets, scream at the sky, yell at the coaches, hit himself on the head with the racket, and come to his senses.

    Don't bully the weak.

  • 4. The judge is of course not a factor, just background.

    Its role is to be imperceptible, not to disturb.

    Technology hurts his status and makes him redundant, makes him ridiculous, but even before that the expectation from him is not to steal the show, and above all to know how to "cover his ears".

    Absorb in silence, show magnanimity and gloat.

    Understand that these are young athletes with high adrenaline, and therefore they are allowed to curse and use their mouths.

    The trick is not to hear the insults, it's part of a skill that a judge needs to develop.

    The expectation is that he will be wise and not unjust, that he will regret his honor, or in other words, that he will agree to his public humiliation.

Is it also possible to show understanding towards him?

Rublev receives the news of his dismissal from the supervisor/GettyImages, Christopher Pike

  • 5. The problem is that the education of the athletes conflicts with the business interest.

    The base is the game.

    There is business here.

    There is an audience here that has paid to watch an entertainment event.

    And a beautiful event.

    A fun, tight, exciting game, on the way to a third tiebreaker.

    Battle for a place in the finals, in a quite prestigious tournament (total prizes 3 million dollars), game for 300 thousand dollars.

    If everyone goes home disappointed and disgruntled, what's the point?

  • 6, the whole experience is ruined, and after you calm down a bit from Rublev's outburst, it suddenly seems a bit insensitive.

    Rublev already led 2:4 and did not take advantage of four break opportunities, lost a game and was immediately broken.

    He accumulated frustration during a quality and volatile game.

    It's not an excuse, but there was a background to his nerves.

    It is allowed to consider.

    It is understandable.

    Even Boblik said after that "I'd rather lose in three sets than win like this".

    So what's the point?

  • 7. It can be assumed that part of the considerations of the organizers was to preserve the honor of tennis.

    It is still an elitist sport, which pretends to present different standards.

    We don't have arses that spit and an audience that curses, we have silence during the points and an intolerance for violence, a guy like Nick Kyrius is considered the "bad boy" here.

    It's nice to keep tradition and principles, but did the punishment for Rublev do the game any good?

  • 8. They took 200 ranking points and 157 thousand dollars from Rublev.

    He is about to lose his place in the top 5. The one who will enter there in his place is Sasha Zverev, a player who was previously accused of severe violence against his partners.

    The main thing is not on the field.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Andrei Rublev

  • Dubai

Source: walla

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