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"American-Style Nightmare": The Netflix series is worth your time if you feel like getting angry - voila! culture


Highlights: "American-Style Nightmare": The Netflix series is worth your time if you feel like getting angry - voila! culture. In 2014, the movie "Gone Girl" was released, starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike, in the center of which is a husband whose wife suddenly disappeared and he is accused of murdering her. A year later, in a small town of Vallejo, California, a strange case happened. The strange affair from 2015 was recently recreated in "American Nightmare" on Netflix.

The docu-series falls into the familiar pattern of Netflix - fragments of information and more or less surprising turns. Despite the familiar vibe, the sequence of events described in it is special, and mostly contrived

Trailer for the docu-series "American Nightmare"/Netflix

How big is the influence of movies, TV shows or books on crimes in the US? The most famous case is, of course, the murder of John Lennon in 1980, when Mark David Chapman envisioned the character of Holden Caulfield from "The Catcher" in the rye" before he pulled the trigger. But there were other cases as well, such as The Sniper from Washington (2002) which was influenced by "The Matrix" or John Hinckley Jr.'s assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, which came after five frustrating years of compulsively following J. And Dee Foster, due to the character she played in "Taxi Driver".

In 2014, the movie "Gone Girl" was released, starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike, in the center of which is a husband whose wife suddenly disappeared and he is accused of murdering her. The sequel is full of surprises, in which you should watch or better - read the book. A year later, in the small town of Vallejo, California, a strange case happened. A young man named Aaron Quinn claimed that his girlfriend Denise Haskins had been kidnapped. His story sounded so far-fetched that the local investigator, and later the FBI investigators, It was hard to believe that he didn't confess from his heart. Later the business got so complicated that he abnormally mentioned the chain of events in "The Disappeared" - and here you have, apparently, another crime that took place under the influence of a movie.


Rosamund Pike, "Disappearing"/Forum Film

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The strange affair from 2015 was recently recreated in "American Nightmare" on Netflix, a three-part crime docu directed by two of the most popular true-crime producers, Bernadette Higgins and Felicity Morris, who were responsible, among other things, for "The Tinder Crook" " and "don't mess with cats".

The film opens with the disappearance of Denis, documenting Aron's investigation and then interviewing him.

We won't find out more than that.

"An American Nightmare" unmistakably fits into Netflix's template - fragments of information, recordings from the investigation that emphasize that the information we receive is completely different from what we will receive later and twists, some of which are surprising and others less so.

One thing is common to almost all the films and series in the genre - the injustice created by the law enforcement and the devious investigation methods for which innocent citizens, or at least those against whom there is not enough evidence, spend days, weeks and years behind bars.

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It is clear to the investigators that he committed murder.

"American Nightmare"/Netflix

Why is this happening?

Sometimes because of corruption, but in most cases due to the phenomenon called in psychology the "confirmation bias" - selective thinking that causes a person or an institutional body to search for, interpret and prefer information based on the beliefs known to him, while completely ignoring what is being done on the ground (yes, the same bias that hovers with genius over the events of Shiva in October ).

It was clear to Kevin's interrogators from the beginning that he had murdered Dennis, as this is always the case, and after another development, which as mentioned was eerily similar to the unfolding of the "disappearing" plot, other opinions were cast that fit their thinking patterns.

They didn't think about a third option, that the interrogator in front of them was telling the truth, and it can certainly be said that they didn't want to either.

This mindset, plus personal connections that reek of corruption, has created injustice on a large scale, and because of this, "American Nightmare" evokes feelings similar to those that emerged from docu-series such as "Making a Murderer" or "Double Homicide - Scandal in South Carolina" - rage against Those who are supposed to protect us and adding sin to crime in the inability to admit mistakes.

The person who saved the situation was an investigator who was not directly connected to the affair, which again raises the question of how different the world would have looked if women had conducted most of these investigations.

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saved the day.

"American Nightmare"/Netflix

Is this docu worth two and a quarter hours of your time?

Yes, because the sequence of events described in it is special, and for the most part also well staged, even if the third part could be generously shortened.

However, despite the hype surrounding it - including its starring at the top of the list of the most watched series on Netflix - it is difficult to describe it as breathtaking or to define it as "must watch", because it gives the feeling that we have already seen it, and above all because we are tired of being upset by injustice and wrong concepts.

We've had enough of those in the last few months.

The three episodes of "An American Nightmare" are available on Netflix.

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  • TV review

Source: walla

All tech articles on 2024-01-28

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