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Uri Geller insists that he saw "alien bodies that look like us" at the NASA base - voila! Technology


Highlights: Uri Geller insists that he saw "alien bodies that look like us" at the NASA base - voila! Technology. "Your cynical and sarcastic comments won't change it": Illusion artist Uri Geller. Geller said in his post that the bodies were kept in a cold room, 3 floors below the Goddard Space Flight Center, 10 km northeast of Washington, D.C., in the US. He was led to a room containing 8 bodies, some "not intact but mutilated", found in a glass container.

"Your cynical and sarcastic comments won't change it": Illusion artist Uri Geller claims that he saw with his own eyes alien corpses that looked like us, only that their bodies were thinner and their heads were larger

Are there aliens?

Uri Geller has a photo that proves the answer is yes/@yaron_zilberstain

The spoon-bending illusionist

Uri Geller

got himself into trouble when last December he shared a recording of what he thought was a UFO and found it to be a street lamp. This damaged his credibility among his fans, but he continues to insist on the existence of aliens and in a new post he shared on X told how he saw them in person His eyes when he visited a secret NASA base.

Our own Uri Geller claims that he was led into a room in the depths of NASA's Space Flight Center by an astronaut, where he was shown small and thin "alien" bodies, with large heads, that looked like deformed humans. The 77-year-old said in his post that the bodies were kept in a cold room, 3 floors below the Goddard Space Flight Center, 10 km northeast of Washington, D.C., in the US.

Geller said that while at the base he was taken to a concrete building by German rocket engineer Werner von Braun and astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon. He was led to a room containing 8 bodies, some "not intact but mutilated", found in a glass container. Geller wrote: "Before we went in, von Braun asked me to wear a warm orange Antarctic-style coat - with the round blue NASA logo on it - and he also wore one. Inside it smelled like a hospital. I could see what looked like heavy glass containers, with lifeless bodies lying in them. It was a shocking sight! Like when you see an accident that happened, and you feel something hit you in the stomach."

Here is the full story:


Geller described the "aliens" he saw in these "transparent coffin" containers.

He said: "The bodies were small, thin and very frail looking with large heads, but disturbingly familiar. They (the aliens) looked uncannily like us - enough to make me feel repulsed and sorry to have seen these 'victims'. Either they were badly injured or passed Massive dismantling, but not all of them."

The Israeli illusionist knew where he was getting himself into with this posting on the social network and added that "none of your cynical and mocking comments will change" what he claims to have seen.

Indeed, the responses ranged from "I believe you" to "Why would they show a magician something that even the president is not allowed to see?".

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Uri Geller revealed a "real" photo of a "naked alien"

Uri Geller photographed UFOs in the sky of Tel Aviv while rehearsing for an Air Force flight

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"None of your cynical and mocking comments will change what I saw"/screenshot, @theurigeller

This is of course not the first time Uri Giler has made bold claims about aliens.

In 2021, he said Earth should expect an "imminent alien visit," when he said the visitors "will make an amazing landing on Earth that will be like a Steven Spielberg production."

In the same year, he also said that he had worked secretly with the Americans for years to contact extraterrestrial beings and had even seen part of a crashed UFO. He said then: "For years I had to deny my real mission and disguise my work.

Few people know the truth.

I assume that all world leaders know - Obama, Trump, Netanyahu - we communicate with extraterrestrials."

  • More on the same topic:

  • aliens

  • Uri Geller

  • UFO

Source: walla

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