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Corsica: investigation after the intrusion of nationalists into a house presented as that of the Minister of Justice


Highlights: Independentists claim a “symbolic and political operation” targeting the “secondary home of Éric Dupond-Moretti” The investigation was opened for home invasion and aggravated damage. On the windows of this house, in the heart of the village of Centuri, in Cap Corse, activists hung sheets bearing the slogans “Repression, fines, Basta!” » or “Soluzione pulitica” (Editor’s note: “political solution” in Corsican)

Independentists claimed a “symbolic and political operation” targeting the “secondary home of Éric Dupond-Moretti”, in order to

An investigation was opened following the intrusion of Corsican independence activists into a house presented by them as belonging to the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, in the village of Centuri (Haute-Corsica).

The investigation was opened for home invasion and aggravated damage, Jean-Philippe Navarre, Bastia public prosecutor, told AFP, without officially confirming the identity of the owner of the house in question.


On the windows of this house, in the heart of the village of Centuri, in Cap Corse, activists hung sheets bearing the slogans “Repression, fines, Basta!”

» or even “Soluzione pulitica” (Editor’s note: “political solution” in Corsican).

#CoreInFronte action in Centuri at the secondary home of Eric Dupond Moretti.

Our presence is symbolic and political.

It aims to denounce the repressive mechanisms in Corsica, which are multiple and continuous.

— Core in Fronte (@coreinfronte) February 3, 2024

This action by Core in Fronte, which has six elected officials in the Corsican assembly, was carried out in the presence of journalists from France 3 Via Stella and Corse-Matin.

In their demands, expressed during a press conference in front of the house, the nationalists directly attacked a minister “who never speaks on the Corsican political question, on the repression and the situation of former Corsican political prisoners.


VIDEO: @coreinfronte activists break into the house of the Minister of Justice in Centuri and put up banners against repression.

#corsica #nationalism ⤵️

— France 3 Corse (@FTViaStella) February 3, 2024

In their sights, “heavy financial sentences of several thousand euros against Corsican youth, (…) a real racket”, after the violence that occurred on the island following the death of Yvan Colonna, the independence activist sentenced to life imprisonment for the assassination of prefect Erignac in 1998 in Ajaccio, but also the personal case of three activists “victims of government pressure, through the prosecution.


The minister has declared a house on the island

Questioned by AFP, the minister's entourage refused to comment on this affair.

In his declaration to the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life, the Minister of Justice had declared a house in Corsica, without specifying the address.

This Core in Fronte operation took place just a few days before a new visit to Corsica by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, Wednesday and Thursday, for “an update” on the discussions started with elected officials and Corsican authorities on a possible future autonomy for the Isle of Beauty.

The separatists are demanding “a title for Corsica and real autonomy,” Core in Fronte activists added on Saturday, specifying that this “cannot be the subject of any compromise or political bargaining.”

A reference to political unanimity, requested on autonomy by Emmanuel Macron, during his last visit to Corsica.

Source: leparis

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