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The British "Area 51" hides a maze of abandoned tunnels and "remains of alien spaceships" - voila! technology


Highlights: The British "Area 51" hides a maze of abandoned tunnels and "remains of alien spaceships" - voila! technology. The Royal Air Force's Rodolo Estate in Wiltshire was (apparently) Britain's official UFO investigation center in the 1950s. The place is carefully preserved to this day, even though it has been abandoned for more than 23 years. Some believe the site contains clues about the Mount Berwyn UFO incident and the Randlesham Forest incident, known as "Britain's Roswell"

A huge mansion has been empty for over 23 years, but is still under heavy security and the public cannot approach it. this is the reason

Have you heard of British Zone 5?/@delveintotheunknown

Almost everyone has heard of Area 51 in the USA - a closed military area located in the southern part of the state of Nevada in the United States. The great secrecy surrounding Area 51 has led many to believe that the area is connected to a number of activities dealing with aliens and UFOs.

Area 51 is just one of the sensitive military facilities located at the Nevada Test and Training Range, a vast military training area in the Mojave Desert.

Details of everything that goes on at Area 51 are classified as top secret, and the intense secrecy surrounding the facility has led to widespread conspiracy theories that it is used to store captured or crashed UFOs. The officially released information is that Area 51 was established by the CIA in 1955 as a test facility for the secret spy plane U- 2, and that apparently it has since been used for testing classified and experimental aircraft.

Now it turns out that there is also a similar area in Wiltshire, a city in the southwest of England.

When a former base of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain was nicknamed "British Area 51" - and it is said that it contains, among other things, the remains of Abami M.

The Royal Air Force's Rodolo Estate in Wiltshire was (apparently) Britain's official UFO investigation center in the 1950s and has remained shrouded in mystery ever since. The Daily Star reported that the site, which looks like an ordinary building from the outside, hides an intricate network of tunnels beneath its surface and bunkers.

Heavily secured, even though it has been abandoned for years.

Rodolo Estate/Official Site, Wikimedia Commons

The place is carefully preserved to this day, even though it has been abandoned for more than 23 years, and is said to have a labyrinth of mysterious tunnels underneath.

Although British Ministry of Defense officials insist the site was just a communications center before it was abandoned in 2000, conspiracy theorists have dismissed these claims as outright lies.

They believe that, like the US's Area 51, the site hides the remains of an alien spacecraft that crashed on Earth. Some believe the site contains clues about the Mount Berwyn UFO incident and the Randlesham Forest incident, known as "Britain's Roswell".

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In the Berwyn Mountains incident, soldiers allegedly took debris from a UFO to Rodlow Estate to analyze it after it apparently exploded over North Wales in 1974, but the claim is that government officials hushed up the incident for fear of causing public panic, according to the book The Berwyn Mountain Incident Revealed

. Randlesham Forest took place between December 26 and 28, 1980. American soldiers, stationed at the Woodbridge base in Great Britain, saw lights above the nearby Randlesham Forest, and when they came to check what it was, they saw the spacecraft and even touched it, according to them. A day later, they brought with them the officer in charge who recorded what he saw, and a higher-than-normal level of radiation was even tested at the site, which they say proved the inventions of the spaceship and the aliens that took off quickly after about an hour of exposure. Several reports have been written on the subject, including an official report published in 2002 by the British Ministry of Defense, 178 pages long, but it is not contained no concrete conclusions.

While some say it was a UFO encounter, other reports claim it was a prank by the British Special Air Service (SAS) on US Air Force personnel.

Both of these cases are linked to the Rodlow Estate, which could explain why the place is so heavily guarded. Although no longer in official use, the site is still guarded and off-limits to the public, which of course adds to the mystery surrounding it. Secret files released in 2007 reportedly confirm that the center was used for UFO research, but this has never been officially confirmed by government officials. .

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  • estate

  • UFO

  • area 51

  • aliens

Source: walla

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