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“We no longer have confidence”: Cédric Jubillar’s ​​lawyers want to challenge the investigating judges


Highlights: Cédric Jubillar's lawyers filed two legal actions this week to challenge the investigating judges responsible for the investigation. “We no longer have confidence, we do not want it to be the same judges who are seized,” insisted one of these lawyers, Me Alexandre Martin. Delphine Jubilar, then aged 33, disappeared from her house in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn), where the couple lived with their 18-month-old daughter and six-year-old son.

Cédric Jubillar's lawyers initiated two legal actions to bring the investigating judges in charge of the investigation, who had estimated

They denounce “bias”.

The lawyers of Cédric Jubillar, imprisoned for the alleged murder of his wife Delphine in 2020 in Tarn, initiated two legal actions this week to challenge the investigating judges responsible for the investigation.

Cédric Jubillar's three counsel are scrambling against these two investigating magistrates because they wrote in November, in their indictment order, that "all the elements collected during the judicial investigation demonstrate that Cédric Jubillar is the author of the murder of his wife.

However, new elements have since emerged, notably requiring hearings, and the same court of appeal ordered on February 8 a resumption of the judicial investigation.

Also read “He didn’t want to lose the house”: at the heart of the Jubillar affair, the hypothesis of financial motive

Cédric Jubillar's three lawyers were satisfied with this, but they filed an appeal against this decision before the Court of Cassation on Tuesday.

Not to “obstruct the acts that are requested”, explained Thursday one of these lawyers, Me Alexandre Martin, but because they “do not accept that they are led by two magistrates who have already and already written that Jubillar was guilty.

“We don’t want it to be the same judges”

In the same vein, they filed a request for recusal on Thursday with the first president of the Toulouse Court of Appeal, who has one month to rule.

“We no longer have confidence, we do not want it to be the same judges who are seized,” insisted Me Alexandre Martin.


“His guilt is not established”: Cédric Jubillar’s ​​lawyers react to the resumption of investigations

In this case without a body, no confession, no witness, no crime scene, Cédric Jubillar, a plaster painter now aged 36, denies any responsibility.

Delphine Jubillar, then aged 33, disappeared from her house in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn), where the couple lived with their 18-month-old daughter and their six-year-old son, on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 , in the middle of a curfew linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.

At the time, the couple was going through a divorce.

Before the disappearance, Cédric Jubillar had made comments that had offended members of his family: "I'm going to kill her, I'm going to bury her and no one will find her... If Delphine leaves me one day...", according to the act of 'charge.

Source: leparis

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