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Stanislas School: a former educational executive indicted for rape of a minor in another educational establishment


Highlights: A former educational executive from the Parisian private Catholic establishment, dismissed in 2018, was indicted for rape and sexual assault of a minor. Olivier P. worked at the private Catholic school in the 6th arrondissement of Paris from 2012 to 2018. In November 2018, he was dismissed for serious misconduct “due to repeated consultation of child pornography websites with professional computer equipment” The case was dismissed, but his dismissal was upheld on appeal. After the industrial tribunal hearing, several students from “Stan” reported violence on the part of Olivier P to the courts, in particular humiliating practices.

The former director of the boarding school of the Parisian private Catholic establishment is also summoned to the Valenciennes court in September for

The Stanislas school has not finished making headlines.

In the turmoil since the publication of a report denouncing abuses within it, a new affair has tarnished its image.

A former educational executive from the Parisian private Catholic establishment, dismissed in 2018, was indicted for rape and sexual assault of a minor for events that occurred in 2001 in another Catholic school, the Valenciennes court (North) tells Le Parisien , confirming information revealed by Franceinfo and Mediapart on Thursday.

This man in his sixties, placed under judicial supervision, is also summoned before the Valenciennes court, which took over the case due to the place of residence of the accused, for "intentional violence" committed on at at least six former students of Stanislas when he was director of the boarding school for preparatory classes, adds the prosecution.

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Olivier P. worked at the private Catholic school in the 6th arrondissement of Paris from 2012 to 2018. Responsible for supervising the 400 students at the boarding school, he was also a music teacher.

In November 2018, he was dismissed for serious misconduct “due to repeated consultation of child pornography websites with professional computer equipment”, according to the industrial tribunal judgment rendered in June 2020 that Franceinfo was able to consult.

The case was dismissed, but his dismissal was upheld on appeal.

In their decision, the judges also specified that Olivier P. was “reported as being the subject of rape covered by the statute of limitations”, but without specifying in which establishment, adds Mediapart.


After the industrial tribunal hearing, several students from “Stan” reported violence on the part of Olivier P. to the courts, in particular humiliating practices.

In Le Monde, which revealed the affair, a former student said that he was “taken by the neck, pressed against the wall and strangled”.

“Six students denounced violence on the part of this former boarding school teacher such as whippings, kicks, slaps behind the head, being pinned to the ground, insults, as well as psychological control,” details the Valenciennes prosecutor in a press release.

For these facts, Olivier P. is summoned on September 9 to the Valenciennes criminal court.

According to Mediapart, Stanislas' director, Frédéric Gautier, would have tried to cover up the facts at the time.

To the investigative media, to franceinfo and to the Valenciennes prosecutor, the former master of the boarding school denies any act of violence against students.

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As for the accusations of sexual assault and rape, which he also contests, they concern facts that occurred between June 30 and July 1, 2001 on a student aged at that time 17 years old at the Saint-Martin de France college. , in Pontoise (Val-d'Oise), where Olivier P. worked at the time.

The director at the time, David Chapellier, was himself indicted for sexual assault on a minor, Franceinfo points out, the investigation being carried out at the Nanterre public prosecutor's office (Hauts-de-Seine).

After these revelations, Frédéric Gautier assured franceinfo that he will send an email to all former students of Olivier P. “so that families or students who want to report facts of which they may have been aware or which they would have suffered, can do so.

Olivier P. faces up to 20 years in prison for rape, and up to 5 years in prison for violence.

This case comes at a time when two “Stan” teachers are already in the sights of justice.

One for homophobic and sexist comments made in May 2023 and another for sexual assault.

The latter was suspended at the beginning of February by the Paris rectorate.

Source: leparis

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