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Stop speed cameras below 50km/h, the decree arrives - Rules and Institutions


Highlights: Stop speed cameras below 50km/h, the decree arrives - Rules and Institutions. If multiple fines in the same stretch within an hour, one will be paid. The bill on the reform of the highway code is currently being examined in the Chamber's Transport Committee. And at the same time as the code reform, the MIT launches three commercials to promote road safety with the help of VIPs, drivers and influencers. "Make the only choice possible", is the title of the campaign.

If multiple fines in the same stretch within an hour, one will be paid (ANSA)

 The crackdown on speed cameras is coming: stop speed detection devices on 50km/h stretches of road.

The Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Matteo Salvini, is ready to launch the decree "for national approval" of speed cameras.

"There can be no DIY," he said.

"To save lives near schools, hospitals, there is a dangerous curve, but placed overnight on roads to tax motorists have little to do with safety", underlined Salvini, adding, furthermore, that the mayors " they will have to explain why they put them and where and with what motivation".

According to what the Lega deputy and member of the Chamber's Transport Commission, Elena Maccanti, explained, "there are two provisions on speed cameras, one is included in the highway code", while that of prohibiting the installation of speed cameras on roads 50km/ h "is in a ministerial decree currently being examined by the Unified Conference, foreseen by a 2010 law that Salvini is unblocking after 13 years, and which will pass".

The bill on the reform of the highway code is currently being examined in the Chamber's Transport Committee.

And Maccanti also made it known that "by tomorrow we will close the examination of all the amendments" and "we will be in the Chamber for the general discussion on March 1st".

Among the amendments approved so far, one concerns a specific provision for speed cameras.

"In the event that multiple speed camera fines are received on the same road section, in a period of one hour and under the jurisdiction of the same body, only one fine is paid: the most serious one increased by a third, if more favourable", we read in the provision.

Among other measures, the third band arrives on the guard rails to protect motorcyclists and the restricted traffic zone in areas protected by UNESCO.

Government defeated in commission on alcohol lock.

"Our amendment which asks the MIT to clarify the type of workshops authorized to install alcohol locks inside cars was approved against the government's wishes", explained the leader of the Democratic Party in the commission, Anthony Barbagallo.

And at the same time as the code reform, the MIT launches three commercials to promote road safety with the help of VIPs, drivers and influencers.

"Make the only choice possible", is the title of the campaign.

The commercials aim to raise awareness among drivers, particularly young drivers, by addressing three of the main causes of accidents: distraction from the phone while driving, the use of drugs and "challenges" filmed with the smartphone. 

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Source: ansa

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