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"Stalingrad of Hamas": the net is torn from the new panelist of Studio Shishi - voila! culture


Highlights: Acting Brigadier General Amir Avivi said in the Friday studio that Rafah "is the Stalingrad of Hamas" Avivi is chairman of the "Habithonist" movement. Commentator Amnon Abramovich reprimanded him for the comparison. News 12 journalist Zion Nanos mocked Avivi: "Don't you study history in the 'Securityists' movement?" Another tweeter added: "Does the guy understand that he compared the IDF to the Nazi Wehrmacht?"

Acting Brigadier General Amir Avivi said in the Friday studio that Rafah "is the Stalingrad of Hamas" and caused an uproar on the Internet. Zion Nanos: "Don't you study history in the 'Bithonist' movement?"


One statement by Brigadier General Amir Avivi, chairman of the "Habithonist" movement, in the Friday studio managed to arouse the network about him.

During a discussion on the question of the need for military action in the city of Rafah, Brigadier General Avivi said that the entry of the IDF into Rafah would decide this war.

"Rafih is the Stalingrad of Hamas, where it will be decided," he clarified.

It should be noted that in the Battle of Stalingrad, the few Russian forces - whom Avivi compared to Hamas - fought against the many Nazis - who from Avivi's words it is implied that they are compared to the IDF - and they were able to.

Even in the studio itself, the commentator Amnon Abramovich reprimanded him when he said: "The comparison of Rafih to Stalingrad and of Hamas to the Russians In World War II - touching." Avivi answered him: "This is their last battle.

They see it as Stalingrad, not us." Presenter Danny Kushmaro also emphasized that the comparison is a bit strange: "The people entrenched there were on the good side against the bad guys who invaded," referring to the Russian forces that fought the Nazis. "I accept the comment," said Avivi.

But the network began Lagush following the words of Brigadier General Avivi's reply.

News 12 journalist Zion Nanos mocked Avivi: "Amir Avivi is sitting in the sixth studio, explaining that the IDF must operate in Rafah, which is the Stalingrad of Hamas.


This is the example he chose.

Don't you study history in the 'Securityists' movement?" Another tweeter added: "Does the guy understand that he compared the IDF to the Nazi Wehrmacht?"


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"Haaretz" journalist Amir Tivon, a resident of Nahal Oz, tweeted: "Strange meetings between Bibism and the radical left are nothing new (Gideon Levy), but the incident at 'Olan Shishi', when Amir Avivi from the 'Bibithonist' movement compared Hamas in Rafah to the Russians they defended On Stalingrad against the German invasion (!), this is really a new record. Even the most pro-Palestinian writers here would be afraid to give such a sentence."

Another tweeter added: "Good morning to the military commander in the mail.

Amir Avivi.

I understand that in the POM you didn't learn about the Battle of Stalingrad, which is a shame. It is a battle that changed the face of the situation in World War II and showed that a less trained army could beat millions of much better equipped soldiers. It was quite embarrassing to see you on TV. Feel free to contact me privately and ask for the book about the battle ".

Another wrote: "This brainless person compared Rafah to Stalingrad? Does he know how it ended? Did he compare the IDF to the Nazis and an organization with 4 Toyotas to the Red Army?

" "Provided it is not Stalingrad": "Everyone here thinks they understand military history and the way in which the army treats the Battle of Stalingrad.

They will soon say that General Aden thought we were the bad guys.

Come on, move on, you're embarrassing yourselves."

  • More on the same topic:

  • Stalingrad

  • Friday studio

  • Gaza war

  • War of Iron Swords

Source: walla

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