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Kish expected compliments from the base for canceling the Israel Prize ceremony, but he found out that they made him a red cap - voila! culture


Highlights: Kish expected compliments from the base for canceling the Israel Prize ceremony. He found out that they made him a red cap - voila! culture. The figure of Yoav Kish is seen by the liberal public as another useful idiot of Netanyahu in Likud. Even after the deadly attack of October 7, Kish preferred to deal with populism rather than urgent issues related to his office. He may even be the worst minister of education in the country's history, writes Shlomo Karai.

The Minister of Education's decision to cancel the Israel Awards destroys one of our last state arenas. When he stood up to defend it in front of Yanon Magal in front of the home crowd, he found out what a mistake he had made

In the video: Minister Yoav Kish says that those responsible for the disengagement also have responsibility/a system, wow!

Many words have been spoken in the past year about the television quality of Channel 14, and of the flagship program "The Patriots" in particular.

One thing cannot be disputed: Yanon Magal and the members of the panel know how to "handle" unruly coalition members.

Sometimes it seems that ministers in the government come to the studio to hear Miutham Zamri and Itamar Fleishman what Netanyahu really thinks about them.

Ask Tali Gottlieb and Itamar Ben Gvir who came to the studio for a reprimand.

Last night the Minister of Education Yoav Kish arrived at the panel, only to find out that the latest storm he created really did not sit well with Ein Linon and the guys.

Or in other words: it seems they made him a red cap.

The figure of Yoav Kish is seen by the liberal public as another useful idiot of Netanyahu in Likud.

It's a mistake.

Yoav Kish is very far from being stupid.

In fact, he is one of the most intelligent and sophisticated politicians in the system, in Likud and in general.

It is true that the battle against the big luminaries Kennisim Vatori and Shlomo Karai is not too big a competition, and still Kish is a politician of a slightly different breed.

It is easy to bet that he will remain in the system long after the sakhlah that Netanyahu brought with him to the Knesset is expelled from the Likud.

Meanwhile, and it cannot be emphasized enough, Kish is a pretty bad minister of education.

He may even be the worst minister of education in the country's history.

It is too short to detail his failures in the important office, and it is doubtful that a television review is the place to deal with the aforementioned failures, but it is enough to mention a few things he managed to do in his year in office: He canceled the reform of the matriculation exams promoted by Yifat Shasha-Biton, only to promote his own reform, which in fact left the situation almost unchanged and only with another headache for the teachers. The main thing is the credit. The excellence program that Bennett promoted during his days in the office, which worked to increase the number of students who study five units in mathematics, was also reduced.

However, if these actions can still be debated and professional reasons presented, most His actions in the office were political. In this, what to do, he is really good. Thus, Kish dragged the Ministry of Education into the storm of the legal revolution, when he tried to promote political appointments of the supporters of the coup to key positions in the Council for Higher Education, despite opposition from the heads of the universities.

A child's mistake.

Kish/screenshot, now 14

Even after the deadly attack of October 7, Kish preferred to deal with populism rather than urgent issues related to his office.

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis were displaced from their homes, children found themselves without an educational framework, students were called to the reserves and did not know if they would be able to complete their degree - and of course, the educational institutions in the south and north were facing collapse and stood helpless in the face of the situation, without any support from the minister in charge.

Kish was interested in other things, such as passing a resolution according to which "swift measures must be taken against students who express support for the massacre committed by Hamas", which was done anyway.

The heads of the eight research universities answered him in a scathing letter, the likes of which has never been sent to the Minister of Education in Israel: "How do you preach morality to us? Do you have any idea what is happening in universities these days? Do you know that Sapir College is in danger of collapsing due to the serious injuries it has suffered and that we are all trying to help her? Do you know how many female and male faculty members, male and female students, male and female employees, at Ben Gurion University and all other universities, were killed, kidnapped and injured? They have not bothered to contact any of us since the outbreak of the war."

Kish doesn't come, Kish doesn't call either.

The reason is simple: Kish is not really interested in what is happening on the campuses of the universities that are under his ministerial responsibility, he is interested in what the Bais thinks.

The next title is important to him, maybe he will be able to scratch the surface of one of the websites, and if he will be able to start the edition on channel 14 - then at all.

In this, as mentioned, he is good.

What's his is his.

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A trailblazing man, a bereaved father and a harsh critic of the government.

Eyal Waldman/Rev

That's why his performance yesterday at the "Patriots" panel is little more than a slight pat on the wing of the former pilot.

Kish came to explain again the decision to cancel the Israel Awards that were supposed to be given on the upcoming Independence Day.

Reminder: The minister announced that he canceled the ceremony in the original format, and instead will distribute the award only in a new category of "revival: civil heroism and mutual guarantee".

If at first the decision appeared to be just another populist action by a minister who is only interested in advancing to the next position - the journalist Ben Caspit's revelation came that Kish's decision was made to prevent the Israel Prize from citizen Eil Waldman, one of the greatest pioneers in the history of local high-tech.

However, apart from promoting the Israeli economy, Waldman also visited his daughter Daniel at the "Nova" festival on October 7, which made him a harsh critic of the Netanyahu government.

Kish's decision is so outrageous because it introduces politics into one of the last state arenas in Israel that were still free of the division between right and left.

David Grossman and Miriam Peretz received the award together from the hands of Prime Minister Netanyahu, then Minister of Education Naftali Bennett and President Robbie Rivlin.

It was a moment when the ghetto of disputes was breached, and Israeliness won.

Kish decided to prevent this beautiful picture, in which the State of Israel honors a bereaved father for his life's work in the most difficult year of his life, because he was afraid of what he might say.

As if Waldman needs the Israel Prize ceremony to get a platform to speak his mind.

The problem is that the Waldman family became an entire family at a very inconvenient time for the government.

For those who missed it, this is exactly the year when the victims of terrorism and war became the enemies of the government.

It is very easy to understand why those responsible for the failure do not want to give a reward to a person whose only sin is to pour hundreds of millions of shekels into the Israeli economy, but also demands answers from the people responsible for the biggest failure in the country's history.

It is not clear whether Kish made the shocking decision to cancel the award on his own, or with the Prime Minister's encouragement, but in any case he takes full responsibility.

Since the decision is supposedly good for Netanyahu, he was supposed to get credits for it from the Patriots panel, but to his surprise - he got a much less indulgent interview than he expected.

In fact, Yanon Magal received a warmer treatment from Roni Kovan than the one he heaped on the Likudnik minister.

A beautiful Israeli picture.

Last year's Israel Award ceremony/Haaretz, Olivier Fitoussi

Yanon's patriots let Kish rattle off the explanations he had already provided to the media in recent days, and it seems that the honorable minister even decided to increase the pace of the populist ramblings with statements like "Whoever thinks that Israel should be awarded as usual has lost his moral compass."

He accused Ben Caspit, who allegedly exposed his scandal, of having "lost all restraint" and claimed that he was spreading "conspiracy stories" while using "bib language".

Ben Caspit can be accused of many things, but local media consumers are encouraged to look for improper use of the Hebrew language in his columns, and be disappointed.

Lovers of the Bib language are invited to connect to the leaks from the political-security cabinet.

Kish's repeated claim is that this year it is inappropriate to award the Israel Awards on Independence Day, simply because it is not a time for celebrations.

"I don't understand why people don't get it," he chided the panel.

Here it is worth mentioning that this is the same Yoav Kish who danced live on television at the scene of the attack in Ra'anana last January.

In response to the storm created by his dance video, he responded that he hopes Sinvar will see him dancing from his hole and added: "I'm glad that it's being shown in the studios, and not just crying and murmuring and 'why this way and why not there'."

In other words, it is good to dance at the scene of an attack, but it is not good to present the Israel Prize on Independence Day to a bereaved father.

If this logic doesn't work for you, it's because there is no logical thought here, just a politician trying to please his master.

The problem is that his master really hasn't forgotten who Yoav Kish is.

This is the same Yoav Kish who only in 2019 declared his support for Gideon Sa'ar for Likud leadership, and claimed that "if we continue with Netanyahu we are on a train headed for the abyss."

In an interview he gave to the Ynet website ahead of the Likud primaries, he claimed that "changes must be made in the law enforcement system and in the police. There are serious mistakes that have happened. Unfortunately, with Netanyahu we will not be able to do that."

Netanyahu apparently did not forget the support for "Gidon", the great nemesis.

The disciplined soldiers in the Channel 14 studio did not forget either.

The sin we will not forget: supporting Gideon Sa'ar/Shlomi Gabai

After all of Kish's fascinating explanations, the panelists explained that they understood what Kish was saying, but did not accept his words.

At this point Yanon Magal did something that would not have happened in any other current affairs program, and simply approached random people in the audience and asked them if they agreed with the Minister of Education's words.

All the people in the front row were asked and they all responded in the same way and explained that they did not agree with the minister.

According to the people in the audience, the Israel Prizes could have been awarded "in a combined form" both to the heroes of the war, and to the scientists and academics who were robbed of the prize this year.

Who knew that the audience on Channel 14 also had a neat message page?

Yanon's choice to let the audience react was the clearest illustration to Kish of the magnitude of the mistake he made.

Here is the famous "Bays", he looks you in the eyes and doesn't believe you.

These people, Likud voters who remained loyal to the movement even after October 7, heard your words without the filters of "panic channels" and did not buy the goods.

They think you made a mistake.

God forbid, there is a situation where they believe Ben Kaspith (or as they usually call him "Ben Kaszavit") more than they believe you, flesh and blood of the Likud.

What a mistake you made, Kish.

You fell for the wrong generation as they say in Kaplan.

By the way, it is not too late to correct this mistake.

Not because of the bass, not because of Bibi, but because it's the right thing to do.

What would be a greater victory for Sinwar than to show him that despite the terrible terrorist attack we are celebrating the visible miracle that is the State of Israel on the upcoming Independence Day as usual?

By the way, Honorable Minister, even if you don't give Eyal Waldman the Israel Prize this year, which he honestly won, maybe at least stand up to him like a human being and apologize.

  • More on the same topic:

  • Channel 14

  • Yoav Kish

  • Yanon Magel

Source: walla

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