The military censorship allowed the publication that there was damage to the base area on Mount Miron, this after Hezbollah published documentation of the shooting that took place last week. A video released by Hezbollah on its social networks shows a missile being fired from across Lebanon into Israeli territory, hitting the base's fence.

The military censors allowed it to be published because damage had indeed been detected in the area of the base. This is not the first time that Hezbollah directs its attacks at the base of the air control unit, as last March a Hezbollah drone hit the base, the IDF spokesperson said last month. "There are no casualties and there is nodamage to the unit's competence," the IDF spokesperson said. "It was known that Hezbollah had these capabilities. They also tried to challenge us in the Second Lebanon War and failed," he added. The IDF has backup for any infrastructure of this type, the spokesperson said, adding that the Air Force's freedom of action was preserved and that there were alternatives.