The Limited Times

Brazilian President criticizes G7 emergency support money Amazon Fire

8/28/2019, 5:01:14 PM

The seven major summits (G7 Summit) held in Biarritz, France, closed on the 26th. Leaders and colleagues at the G7 Summit will provide emergency support for 20 million dollars (2.1 billion yen) over the massively damaged Amazon fire.

The seven major summits (G7 Summit) held in Biarritz, France, closed on the 26th. At the G7 Summit, the leaders agreed to provide emergency support for $ 20 million (2.1 billion yen) over the massively damaged Amazon fire.

On the other hand, President Borzonaro of Brazil in South America said on the 26th, “The“ Alliance ”of the G7 countries that“ help ”the Amazon intends to treat us as if it were a colony or a land of no one. It is concealed, "criticized on Twitter. The local media reports that the administration's policy is to refuse to receive support money.

By an environmental monitoring agency in Brazil ...