The Limited Times

Bakara tribes denounce the aggression of the Turkish regime on Syrian territory

10/17/2019, 4:11:25 PM

Aleppo-SANA - The gathering of the Bakara tribes, which was held today in the Marjeh neighborhood of Aleppo, condemned the Turkish aggression on Syrian territory


The gathering of the tribes of Bakara, which was held today in the Marjeh neighborhood of Aleppo, condemned the Turkish aggression on Syrian territory, stressing that this aggression is an occupation.

In its statement, the gathering reiterated its emphasis on standing by the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army to defeat all gas and aggression from Syrian territory.

In a statement to SANA's correspondent, Sheikh Fawaz Al-Bashir confirmed that today's meeting is to condemn the Turkish aggression on Syrian territory and to support the Syrian Army in repelling the Turkish aggression.

Ahmed al-Quraishi said that his confidence in victory at the hands of the heroes of the Syrian Arab army and the response of the Turkish aggression, which targets the land and man and the plundering of wealth, while Mohammed al-Issa Badrani Turkish aggression as a continuation of the Ottoman invasion of Arab lands.

Omar al-Hassan, a member of the People's Assembly, said that the gathering is to condemn the aggression of the Turkish regime and categorically rejected the call to the people on the Syrian island to be a supporter of the Syrian Arab army and stand behind him to liberate the land from the desecration of terrorism.

"Our meeting today is to send a message to the whole world that we stand united with the men of the Syrian Arab Army to repel the Turkish aggression on Syrian territory and free every inch and grain of desecration of terrorism," said Sheikh Kaddour Abdul Razzaq Al Hussein.

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