The Limited Times

[Fugitives Regulations] 200 people "Si Shun" march to protest police, four police cars, one street alert

12/3/2019, 2:14:12 PM

After the district board elections were held on the 24th of last month, anti-revision demonstrations continued. Following the launch of the "With You LUNCH" and Lennon Field action by some netizens this afternoon, some netizens have initiated the "To Sing with You" event at Shunli Shopping Mall tonight. Dozens of people were present at the scene, some wearing black clothes and masks. "Hong Kong 01" will be broadcast live.

Social News

Written by: Golden Chess

2019-12-03 20:38

Last updated: 2019-12-03 22:03

After the district board elections were held on the 24th of last month, anti-revision demonstrations continued. Following the launch of the "With You LUNCH" and Lennon Field action by some netizens this afternoon, some netizens have initiated the "To Sing with You" event at Shunli Shopping Mall tonight. Dozens of people were present at the scene, some wearing black clothes and masks.

"Hong Kong 01" will be broadcast live.

About 200 people participated in the evening parade in Sishun tonight. (Photo by Yu Junliang)

There were four police cars on the road out of Shunli Mall. Demonstrators scolded police officers on the footbridge. (Photo by Golden Chess)

[21:50] Outside the Shunli Shopping Mall, there were residents upstairs who accused the citizens gathered in the mall, and some marchers illuminated the household with a laser pen.

[21:47] Four police cars leave. Residents threw items, but only hit the top of the overpass.

[21:42] Four policemen parked across the street from the mall. Police officers on the vehicle illuminated the demonstrators with light. Some demonstrators shot laser police at the pedestrian bridge and blasted them to the police.

Residents of Shuntian Village threw unknown liquid at high altitudes, but no one was hit. (Photo by Golden Chess)

[21:37] There are eggshells on the ground along the way, it is unknown whether anyone dropped them. The marchers have returned to the starting point of the smooth mall.

[21:22] When citizens from Shunli Shopping Center approached Shuntian Village, some residents threw unknown liquid at the parade, and some residents accused them downstairs. The parade was not spilled by the liquid, but many people were dissatisfied. Scolded upstairs "courageous enough".

[21:15] Some residents scolded the demonstrators inside the unit, calling them slogans, and the demonstrators posed to the relevant units with a laser pen.

[21:12] At one point, someone was instructed to go to the Shunlin Discipline Dormitory on the other side of New Clearwater Bay Road, but then the leader turned to the mall and shouted and scolded the police along the way.

[20:56] About ten people led the other participants and walked from Shunli Shopping Center to the stadium. Visually there were about 200 people.

A group of demonstrators led the participants to leave Shunli Village shopping mall and head towards the stadium. (Photo by Golden Chess)

[20:48] More than 50 people gathered at the platform location in Shunli Shopping Center.

[20:35] More and more people gathered, most of them wearing masks. In addition to singing, some people raised banners and called for participation in the FDC's Human Rights Day parade next Sunday (8th).

[20:28] The "Sing with You" at the Shunli Shopping Center started at about 8:30 in the evening, and about 30 people gathered in the shopping mall. The crowd shouted slogans such as "Restore Hong Kong's Revolution" and sang "Wish Glory Comes to Hong Kong".

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