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Iraq: Senior Shiite militias eliminated | Israel today

1/3/2020, 12:17:09 AM

the Middle East

Arab-language media reported that American planes fired at a commander in suspected al-Sha'abi militia as he left Baghdad International Airport

  • The liquidation scene near Baghdad airport

Iraqi media reports that the US Air Force has killed a senior pro-Iranian militia on suspicion of a-Shaabi near Baghdad International Airport on Friday. The United States has not yet officially approved a report.

The organization approved the assassination of senior official, Muhammad Rada al-Jabari, head of the organization's liaison. The militia confirmed that the commander had escorted two bodyguards from Baghdad International Airport while missiles that were apparently fired from a helicopter hit his vehicle.

Photos and videos of the liquidation scene were circulated on social networks showing the remains of every vehicle on fire. It was also reported that along with Jabari, they were foreign nationals and that they might be Quds Force members of the Revolutionary Guards. If indeed the United States is behind the liquidation, this is the first offensive action of its kind against the organization, which initiated the onslaught on Tuesday at the US Embassy in Baghdad.

Killed in the attack, Mohammed Radha to Jabri

An Iraqi journalist reported that Muhammad Rada was involved in the siege of the US embassy. They were bombed on the way out of the airport - and all those killed were killed, and the source also reported that three of those killed were Iranian citizens.

More on:

Iraq: Protesters withdrew from US embassy

After the attack: US threatens Iran - "We will continue sanctions"

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Baghdad International Airport was closed to traffic and, according to various reports, whose credibility is unknown, a Grad missile was fired at the US and Iraqi military compound on the outskirts of the airport. According to some reports, 12 Iraqi soldiers were injured.

Damage from the previous US attack was revealed

Less than a week after the US Air Force's widespread attack on Hizbullah Battalion's terrorist targets in Iraq and Syria, satellite images reveal the extent of the damage to the militia's facilities.

The footage, revealed by ImageSat International, shows a number of structures used as headquarters and weapons storage sites for the organization, before and after being severely destroyed. The attack will take place near the border with Syria and only 15 kilometers from the Imam Ali Revolutionary Guards base, a large base whose establishment has been building Quds force for the past year.

US Assault Scene // Photographer: ImageSat International

The attack killed 25 of the organization's terrorists, including Abu Ali al-Hazali, a senior area commander in the organization, and many others were injured. The attack was carried out in response to rocket fire at an American military base in the city, where a U.S. contractor killed several soldiers.

Pentagon officials, including US Secretary of Defense Mark Asper, have argued that it has been decided to attack the organizations with which the United States has avoided a confrontation so far after receiving intelligence information about the threat of further attacks on their part.

Participate in Preparing the News:, Dean Samuel Elms

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