The Limited Times

A video shows the moment when an Iranian missile shot down the Ukrainian plane. The Pentagon reinforces its evidence

1/9/2020, 11:14:13 PM

A video verified by The New York Times seems to show the precise moment when a Ukrainian plane that had just taken off from Tehran airport was hit by an Iranian missile and stopped transmitting its signal before crashing last Wednesday.

A video verified by The New York Times seems to show the precise moment when a Ukrainian plane that had just taken off from Tehran airport was hit by an Iranian missile and stopped transmitting its signal before crashing last Wednesday. NBC has not yet confirmed the authenticity of the audiovisual material.

A burst of light illuminates the night when an iridescent point, the object - impacted on the plane in which 176 people were traveling - but it does not collapse or disintegrate immediately, but continues to fly for several minutes. He even tries to return to the airport where he left, but it explodes and collapses quickly before achieving it, according to other videos consulted by the newspaper cited. There were no survivors.

The Bellingcat open source investigative journalism group independently verified the location of the video, which matches the trajectory of the Boeing 737-800 of the Ukranian Airlines airline.

This Thursday, US President Donald Trump said he had suspicions that Iran could have shot down the plane with one of its missiles. "I don't want to say it, because other people also have those suspicions ... Someone could have made a mistake on the other side ." “Some people say it was mechanical. Personally, I don't think that's even in question, ”he said in conversation with journalists at the White House.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was more emphatic in assuring at a press conference that "the evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by an Iranian missile launched from the ground," citing intelligence information from multiple sources.

Trudeau added that the fact that a missile hit the plane "may have been involuntary."

Ali Abedzadeh, director of Iranian Civil Aviation, has indicated that it is completely illogical to think that the plane was shot down by a missile, according to the Iranian state news agency.

Infographic of the accident of the Ukrainian aircraft in Tehran with information from FlightRadar24.

Iran initially attributed the mishap to a mechanical failure, later said it would have been a fire in the engine that caused the pilot to lose control.

The Ukrainian secretary of National Security, Oleksiy Danilov, has indicated hours before on the social network Facebook that they are analyzing the unconfirmed reports about the discovery of fragments of a Russian ground-to-air missile at the site of the catastrophe, according to the newspaper The New York Times

In the apparatus dropped in Tehran, 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedes, 4 Afghans, 3 Germans and 3 Britons flew. They were complete families, students, a newly married couple ...

The plane had taken off at 6:12 in the morning (local time), with a delay of one hour, from the Imam Khomeini International Airport, and crashed minutes later without having reached 8,000 feet.

It was full of fuel for a 1,430-mile trip to the capital of Ukraine, Kiev, and it burst into flames against the ground near the municipality of Shahedshahr.

The plane's black boxes have been recovered, but Iranian authorities have not yet allowed foreign experts to examine them , although they have said they will, but not with Boeing, which is an American company with important ties to the Department of Defense .

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