The Limited Times

Police ask for help to capture the alleged murderer of the Latin lady of cats in New York

1/9/2020, 6:14:13 PM

María Fuertes was 92 years old and went out every night to give food to lost animals. She was found dead a few meters from her home. A video shows the alleged murderer.

She was known in the neighborhood as "the cat lady" because she was in the habit of leaving her house to feed these stray felines in her New York neighborhood of Richmond Hills. Monday night did not return home: she was found dead on the sidewalk, just a few feet from her home. Police have released Thursday images of his alleged murderer to facilitate his capture.

María Fuertes was 92 years old and the whole neighborhood knew about her habit of being in the street at night, feeding lost animals.

A security camera recorded its latest movements near Liberty Avenue with 127th Street. A stranger approached her from behind before the woman fell to the ground, where she was found past midnight, with head and neck injuries. .

The New York Police Department released the images where the subject can be seen, who is now wanted as alleged guilty of murder. The police chief asked in a tweet for any help that would "identify the person responsible for this heinous crime."

Neighbors have lamented his death: "If something like this happens to an old woman, what could happen to any other woman?" Aneil Ram told the NBC network.

"It is annoying because she is an old woman. What need was there to attack or hurt her? She has never done anything to anyone," Anthony Davis complained to ABC.

The police have made a telephone number available to anyone who has information about the presumed responsible: 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).

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