The Limited Times

Dolce and Gabbana, artisans to the rhythm of Tik Tok - Lifestyle

1/12/2020, 11:38:20 AM

The gardener, the tailor, the shepherd, the goldsmith, the milkman parade on the catwalk of Dolce and Gabbana dedicated to the arts and crafts. (HANDLE)

The gardener and the milkman, the tailor and the goldsmith, the shepherd and the watchmaker, the knitter and the shepherd: the Dolce and Gabbana parade is a hymn to the arts and crafts, with lots of craftsmen at work to welcome guests upon their arrival at the Metropol. And to resume the activity of the various workstations-installations, a small army of 40 tik tokers, called to tell the works of the past with their language and, perhaps, to consider that there is another world besides the virtual one. "The message we want to send - explains Stefano Gabbana - is a bridge between the Italian tradition of work and the new generations. To tell them that with your hands you can do something useful for yourself and for society".

Look at the photos The Dolce and Gabbana fashion show in Milan Men's Fashion - Lifestyle

They, who were the first to invite bloggers to their fashion shows and then wanted Millennials as interpreters of their collections, now point to the younger social network, on which they will open an account later this month: "but we don't want them to promote us, if anything it's the other way round, we are a bit like their parents and what we want to tell them - explains Gabbana - is that you can make bread at home or knit a sweater and from there, perhaps, start a career or create a job ".
What then, in doing things by hand, there is much more than the economic value: "transmitting the memory of the grandmother's sweater is an act of love, if someone makes you a handmade sweater it is because he loves you and it is this - underlines Gabbana - what we want to keep telling ".
So this time the Dolce and Gabbana family turns into a stream of workers, with the final release inspired by the 'Quarto Stato' painting by Pellizza da Volpedo and the walls on which the black and white videos shot in the Mangiapane cave pass in Custonaci, a small Sicilian village in the province of Trapani, where the shops with the crafts of the past were set up. And it is precisely the artistic-craftsmanship skills of the past that inspired the collection for next winter, which is all concentrated around the handmade, from the maxi fur of wool and jersey, which seem to be shearling, to the pants also knitted, worn on the catwalk by a model-shepherd with a lamb in his arms. And then the handmade overalls, in a wool, alpaca and shearling tricot, the leather aprons equipped as a gardener or shoemaker to wear with cable sweaters, tank tops with the word 'hand made' put on with wide corduroy with buckles, grandmother's jumpsuits over the seraph and the huge capes, the flat cap and the double-breasted jacket tied on the bias.