The Limited Times

A hint of the approaching release? Naama's mother will return to Israel after spending time with her in Russia Israel today

1/18/2020, 6:57:59 PM


Against the Prime Minister's optimism regarding the release of a release deal, Yaffe Issachar will return to Israel after two months • Previously stated that she would not return from Russia as long as Naama was incarcerated • According to recent reports, Putin should grant an imprisoned Israeli young woman for his visit to the country

  • Yaffe (left) and Naama Issachar // Photo: Courtesy of the family

On the way to the long-awaited release? Naama Issachar's mother, Yaffe, will return to Israel tomorrow (Sunday) after spending two months in Russia, fighting for the release of her imprisoned daughter since April last year. In previous conversations with media outlets, Yaffe Issachar made it clear that "she will not stop and stand beside her daughter all the way until she is released from prison."

However, and contrary to the optimistic atmosphere prevailing in Israel, Russian authorities have refused to allow the young woman's mother to visit her daughter in prison. Also, the family and activists were asked not to be interviewed on the issue, and kept low profile.

Last Thursday, it was announced that Naama Issachar is expected to receive a pardon and return to Israel together with Vladimir Putin who is expected to visit Israel this week. The information was published in the Russian media following the comments of political parties in Russia.

Photo: Roy Abraham / GPO

To date, the report has not been approved as an official, but from all reports and conversations with associates, the attitude can be changed about Naama Issachar's case. Prime Minister Netanyahu also claimed yesterday that he was "optimistic" about the possibility of the deal, ahead of President Putin's arrival in Israel this week.

Yaffe Issachar has been living in Russia lately to be close to her daughter Naama, a fact that has cost her quite a few financial difficulties, so according to publications, but tomorrow, she is expected to return to Israel.

It is currently unclear whether Yaffe Issachar's return to Israel indicates the imminent release and caution should be taken regarding official statements, but this is undoubtedly a move that has not taken place for a very long time, and with the publications since last weekend, there may be hope for Naama Issachar's release and return To Israel.

As you recall, Naama Issachar was arrested with 9.5 grams of minor drugs while staying in Connection in Russia after returning from India. In her Moscow trial, she was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison. Issachar has been in the Russian prison for nine months, where she was also transferred between different prisons.

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