The Limited Times

The first Argentine commercial that arrived at the Super Bowl

2/3/2020, 12:40:14 AM

It was created by the publicist Martín Mercado for Coca Cola from the USA taking images from security cameras. The video.

02/02/2020 - 21:32

  • Clarí
  • international
  • sports

That the Super Bowl is the most expensive event and coveted by brands around the world is not news. That the main advertisers invest millions of dollars for each 30-second notice, it surprises.

And 7 years ago, an Argentine creator put the author's stamp on an advertisement made in the country and chosen by Coca Cola of the United States, which was issued during the Super Bowl that played the Baltimore Crows and San Francisco 49ers.

Martín Mercado , then creative head of Young & Rubicam, carried out “Security Cams”, made by the producer Landia and directed by Andy Fogwill, reached more than 300 million people in North America alone.

Security cameras and people, protagonists of this original Argentine commercial.

Mercado and Fogwill collected for five months images of security cameras from around the world in search of romantic situations, love scenes, friends encounters, heroic events.

With that material, and in the background the theme “Give a Little Bit” of the Roger Hodgson Supertramp, they published 90 seconds of an advertisement that Coca Cola de México launched in 2012 with the slogan “Let's look at life with another crystal”.

For the costs of the second air, the minute and a half was transformed into a 30-second video and reached the Super Bowl that won the Baltimore Ravens against the San Francisco 49ers .

Beyonce sang in the halftime of the 2013 Super Bowl final, Photo: REUTERS / Jeff Haynes /

"Beyond the numbers, the cost of the second and the entire Super Bowl show , the incredible thing is that a job thought and done here will reach those major leagues of world advertising," Martín Mercado told Clarín in that February 2013

Mercado had already won a silver medal in Cannes for this announcement, but the US Coca Cola version ("Let's Look the World a Little Differently") is an Oscar for Argentine advertising.

The original notice of Mercado and a team headed by Darío Straschnoy shows several scenes of security cameras from neighborhoods of the City of Buenos Aires and the GBA, such as the shocking image of a Tigre neighbor who gets off his motorcycle, pushes a truck stopped at a level crossing and thus prevents the train from causing a catastrophe.

The images of cameras set to capture crimes also show life. In the ad, they are interspersed with phrases such as "Kiss thieves," "Potato chips dealers," "Music addicts," "Crazy heroes" (Tiger's), "Peace terrorists." An insensitive proof combo.

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