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Who will play Trump in the fall? Iowa primaries become "Super Bowl of Politics"

2/3/2020, 11:58:31 AM

The exciting race starts: The first area code in Iowa will send out a signal. Who Will Vote For The Democrats Against President Trump?

The exciting race starts: The first area code in Iowa will send out a signal. Who Will Vote For The Democrats Against President Trump?

  • The election of the US president on November 3 casts its shadow.
  • In Iowa, the first area code is in a U.S. state.
  • It is particularly exciting to see who can prevail among the Democrats .
  • Donald Trump has no serious competition with the Republicans.

Washington - A small state is in the spotlight: The area code in Iowa , said a campaign manager of former Vice President Joe Biden, is the "Super Bowl of politics" . In the state in the US Midwest, the first preselection in the US presidential race is scheduled for Monday evening (7:00 p.m. local time / Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Central European Time). At party rallies across the state, Democrats and Republicans vote on who they think is the best candidate for their party. The procedure is complicated and differs significantly from voting on ballot papers. Results are only expected in the late evening or at night - after German time, on Tuesday morning.

Area Codes in Iowa: Will Sanders Biden Out Rank?

Republican incumbent US President Donald Trump competes in the in-party race with no serious competition . The Democrats , on the other hand, have a large field of applicants . In total there were almost 30 contenders, 17 have already left, 11 are still left. At the national level, surveys have long led a leadership trio - in changing constellations: the moderate ex-US Vice President Joe Biden and the two left senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren .

In surveys in Iowa, Biden was also number one over long distances. Finally Sanders passed him and narrowly secured the role of favorite there. In the meantime, the 38-year-old ex-mayor from Indiana, Pete Buttigieg, had also led the polls in Iowa, which made the competition nervous. So it's an exciting race - with possible surprises.

Campaign in Iowa: Biden warns Trump four more years ago

Democratic presidential applicants in Iowa held electoral campaign events until the end. Biden warned Trump another four years ago at his closing rally in Iowa's capital Des Moines on Sunday evening. That's why voters in Iowa have a greater responsibility than ever, he said. Warren emphasized whoever was nominated by the Democrats: "We have one goal: we will defeat Donald Trump!" Warren has also been combative recently on Twitter.

Iowa, you have a decision to make. Will we let the fear pull us back — or are we going to fight back?

I'm fighting back. That's why I'm in this race.

- Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 2, 2020

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dpa / AFP

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