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US election 2020: Bernie Sanders celebrates victory in Nevada primary

2/23/2020, 8:36:11 AM

In the US primaries for the presidential candidacy, left senator Bernie Sanders clearly won ahead of former vice president Joe Biden.

In the US primaries for the presidential candidacy, left senator Bernie Sanders clearly won ahead of former vice president Joe Biden.

With a clear victory in the US Democratic primary in Nevada , leftist Senator Bernie Sanders has further expanded his chances of running for president . Although only 22 percent of the constituencies were counted on late Saturday evening (local time), Bernie Sanders * could no longer be denied victory . The 78-year-old came to 46 percent, followed by ex-president Joe Biden * with 23 percent .

US election 2020: Buttigieg does not do well in Nevada

Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg came down 13 percent . Senator Elizabeth Warren even had a single-digit figure. Sanders already claimed the victory for himself: His "multi-generation and multicultural coalition", which had won in Nevada , would also "sweep this country away," said Sanders.

The Vermont senator was a clear favorite in the desert state known for the casino metropolis Las Vegas. Nevertheless, the clear victory in Nevada shows that Sanders is able to successfully win votes beyond the narrow confines of the left-wing electorate, which his rivals from the moderate camp had often doubted.

Bernie Sanders has, reportedly, won the Nevada democratic caucus. #USelections
Sanders - 47%
Biden - 24%
Buttigieg - 14%
Warren - 9%
Steyer - 4%
Klobuchar - 3%

- Catherine Perry. (@ CatPurry9) February 23, 2020

U.S. election 2020: Buttigieg won in Iowa primaries

The 38-year-old Pete Buttigieg *, surprise winner of the Iowa area code *, congratulated Sanders on his victory. However, he did not miss the opportunity to criticize Sanders and warned voters about the self-proclaimed "socialist" who sees "capitalism as the root of all evil" . Sanders believed in an inflexible, ideological revolution that "left most Democrats, not to mention most Americans, outside," Buttigieg said in a surprisingly harsh tone.

US election 2020: Donald Trump congratulates Sanders

US President Donald Trump also spoke on the online service Twitter. "Looks like Crazy Bernie is doing well in the large state of Nevada" and added: "Congratulations Bernie & don't let that take you away!"

Looks like Crazy Bernie is doing well in the Great State of Nevada. Biden & the rest look weak, & no way Mini Mike can restart his campaign after the worst debate performance in the history of Presidential Debates. Congratulations Bernie, & don't let them take it away from you!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 22, 2020

With his win in Nevada, Sanders consolidated his position as Trump's first challenger in the November presidential election . He already prevailed in New Hampshire. The primaries run until June.

One, who has caused a lot of sensation in the race so far, completely omits the primaries in Nevada and other states in February: the media billionaire Michael Bloomberg . It is only on the so-called Super Tuesday on March 3, which is elected in 14 states, on the ballot papers .

US election 2020: did Russia influence the primaries?

The area code was overshadowed by reports of an alleged influence by Russia to support Sanders in the pre-election campaign . According to the Washington Post, US government officials have informed the senator that Russia wants to influence the primaries in its favor. Sanders confirmed the report on Friday. However, he banned all Kremlin help and accused the Russian government of wanting to split the United States.

The US authorities assume that Russia wanted to support Sanders in the 2016 pre-election campaign against rival Hillary Clinton in order to advance a split in US society and ultimately to help Republican candidate Trump . While Clinton prevailed against Sanders in the Democratic primary four years ago, she eventually succumbed to Trump in the presidential election.

According to the US intelligence agency, Russia manipulated the 2016 presidential election campaign in particular through a campaign in online networks such as Facebook.

Here we have the current forecasts for the US election * in the fall


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

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