The Limited Times

Wendler vs. Pocher: Now Til Schweiger intervenes - and posts a whimsical whirlpool photo

2/25/2020, 11:54:52 AM

When two argue, the third quips: Michael Wendler and Oliver Pocher have been in the clinch for a long time. Now Til Schweiger has also spoken.

When two argue, the third quips: Michael Wendler and Oliver Pocher have been in the clinch for a long time. Now Til Schweiger has also spoken.

  • Michael Wendler and his Laura Müller are repeatedly the target of various blasphemy attacks.
  • Most recently, comedian Oliver Pocher teased the couple
  • Now Til Schweiger also interferes in the whole hick hack.

If you think that nuisance is a woman's thing, you only have to look at what's going on on the Internet when Michael Wendler is mentioned. The fact that the pop star is mocked publicly because of his often and in many ways provocative behavior is actually nothing new. Now, however, he has to put up with quite a bit - and there are also some men who can not resist their comments. After Oliver Pocher apparently made it his task to regularly make fun of Wendler parodies , Til Schweiger has now mixed up in the conflict between the two.

So the Wendler-Pocher war started

It is slowly becoming difficult to keep an overview, that much has already happened. While some might say that the origin of all the malice lies simply in the self-marketing of Michael Wendler and his much younger friend Laura Müller , who by the way can also be seen on "Let's Dance" *, the argument with Oliver Pocher seems to have started to take on the pop star with its parodies. The comedian had regularly posted videos in which he properly targeted the singer and thus immediately filed a criminal complaint.

Not only Oliver-Pocher: Til Schweiger also seems to be joking about the Wendler

But while Michael Wendler and Oliver Pocher have had their Klinsch on social networks for a long time, the third has now mixed up too. We are talking about Til Schweiger , because the actor also spoke on Instagram in the Wendler case. At first he had backing from the Wendler because of his younger, new girlfriend. "Dear Til, Laura and I wish you all the luck on earth. Love knows no age, ”he wrote in an Insta story and Til Schweiger also responded with an Instagram post that shows him sitting in the pool with some friends. If you take a closer look, however, you will notice that the actor has also added and highlighted the hit star in a photoshop.

Check out this post on Instagram

Spontaneous visit to Male- Love knows no age❤️❤️His brother #egal is behind us

A post shared by Til Schweiger (@tilschweiger) on Feb 22, 2020 at 3:45 am PST

Til Schweiger rejects accusations of blasphemy about the Wendler

“Spontaneous visit to Male - love knows no age. His brother behind us, ”Til once wrote in his pool post and added a“ #egal ”to his comment. Would he also want to tease a little bit instead of just showing gratitude? After all, the hashtag has quickly become a kind of anti-Wendler network trend . "Great, Til! I call it humor, ”his followers laughed at the post, but that's why it was quickly said that the actor wanted to make fun of the musician. However, he now vehemently denies these allegations - befitting again on Instagram , as is done today - even though at the same time he is once again pouring oil into the fire and tensing his bow to Pocher.

Check out this post on Instagram

Dear team, I'm not making fun of the Wendler because I don't know him personally. I don't like his music very much (except I miss you Lover❤️mega best text, but great hook), but that's a matter of taste, not everyone loves my films, isn't it? We had fun because you (star and all the other esteemed colleagues) compares me to him, even though I can't sing ... with all due respect: keep the ball flat! That was not nasty, but funny (TS makes FIES funny, of course, clicks better, right?) .... something else ... no one deserves that Pocher makes fun of you! Nobody! Not even the Wendler! And you celebrate Pocher for his unpleasant "parodies" by Wendler? "Pocher makes so funny about the Wendler ..." Are you serious? Greetings from the nasty Til, also to the Wendler and his much too young #Laura

A post shared by Til Schweiger (@tilschweiger) on Feb 23, 2020 at 2:46 pm PST

Wendler-Pocher-Klinsch: Til Schweiger intervenes

"I'm not making fun of the Wendler because I don't know him personally, " Til Schweiger justifies himself and makes it clear once again that he just wanted to have fun. "It wasn't nasty, it was funny," he clarifies - and takes the opportunity to get rid of his opinion on another point: "One more thing: No one deserves that Pocher makes fun of you! Nobody! Not even the Wendler! “So the“ nasty Til ”, as he ironically calls himself, obviously doesn’t understand why the comedian's“ funny, parodies ”can be celebrated. The only thing that remains to be seen is whether he will also respond to the Schweiger post with the same. Another consequence of the whole hick-hack is already certain, because RTL is planning a TV sensation with the two brawlers.

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