The Limited Times

VIDEO. Coronavirus: on the Champs-Élysées, life stopped

3/15/2020, 1:04:21 PM

Closed terraces and lowered iron curtains: France is experiencing the first day of restrictions and closings decided by the government this Sunday

Usually, on Sunday morning, the Champs-Élysées wakes up to the sound of coffee machines, plates clattering in the hands of the waiters when setting the tables. Usually, we can guess the background music that goes on loop when the shops open. But this Sunday morning, nothing. Only a few cars drive on the cobblestones.

Onlookers wander around, looking haggard, as if lost. "The most beautiful avenue in the world" will remain asleep until further notice. Like all the districts of the capital. "It's really incredible, I think you only see it once in your life," confesses Pierre, a resident of the neighborhood. Like him, Eddy went out early this morning. His little morning ritual was to go downstairs to drink a little black one. His nose glued to the window of his morning HQ, he realizes that he will have to do without for a while. “It is sad to see life stop. Everything is closed. It hurts my heart, ”he breathes.