The Limited Times

Corona spread in Israel: 117 victims and 11,868 patients | Israel today

4/14/2020, 6:16:18 AM


The updated Ministry of Health data shows that 181 patients are in serious condition, of whom 136 are respiratory • 168 are in moderate condition and 9,402 are in mild condition • There are 7,145 patients in home care and so far 2,000 Israelis have recovered from Corona

117 victims of Corona in Israel and 11,868 were infected with the virus. According to data from the Ministry of Health, as of Tuesday morning (Tuesday) in Israel, there are 181 patients in serious condition, of whom 136 are respirators.

Photo: GPO

In addition, 168 patients are in moderate condition and 9,402 in mild condition. 1,214 Israelis are currently in the hotels and 7,145 home care patients. So far, Corona has recovered and released 2,000 Israelis into their homes.

Valley Valley Medical Center said that 12 corona patients were hospitalized in the isolated complex, including three in the middle and nine in the minor.

17 patients are hospitalized in the Corona Patients' Center at Peda-Poria Medical Center: seven in serious condition, two of whom are anesthetized and respiratory, one in moderate and nine in mild condition.

Adi Hashmoni participated in the preparation of the news

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