The Limited Times

Corona: Munich risk patient healed thanks to new drug - "Got my life back"

4/18/2020, 4:34:15 AM

The Munich Curtis Warren Puckett was ill with the Covid-19. The risk patient was cured thanks to a new drug.

The Munich Curtis Warren Puckett was ill with the Covid-19. The risk patient was cured thanks to a new drug.

  • A risk patient with a coronavirus infection was cured in Munich .
  • The 43-year-old was treated with an as yet unapproved Ebola drug.
  • The drug hit in which to COPD and A Asthma sufferer immediately and saved perhaps his life.

Munich - Curtis Warren Puckett from Munich is a risk patient despite his only 43 years. He has  COPD , a chronic lung disease, and asthma . Unfortunately, he became infected with the corona virus

Coronavirus: Munich risk patient is being treated with a new drug

Puckett told the picture : “I had a fever of 40 degrees and a strong cough . My lungs hurt, I was afraid - a little panic. ”When he got to the hospital, the doctors found an infection with the corona virus . Bad news for the risk patient. 

However, he was lucky to end up in  the Rechts der Isar hospital . Under the direction of Dr. Christoph Spinner (35) as part of a study by the American pharmaceutical company Gilead, researching the not yet approved Ebola drug remdesivir . The drug is said to inhibit the spread of the coronavirus in the body. According to Gilead, approximately 1,000 patients are participating in the study.

Remdesivir even by the World Health Organization WHO has been classified as the most promising drug.

Ebola drug Remdesivir strikes a corona patient

"Dr. Spinner came up to me and asked if I would like to participate in the study, ”Puckett told the picture . Remdesivir was administered intravenously for half an hour every day for five days . On the first day, his fever dropped to 38.8 degrees. According to him, he had no side effects. Dr. Spinner had previously explained the tz * that the Ebola drug emerged as the most effective against corona : "The tolerance seems to be good."

Puckett's cough and fever disappeared after four days. On April 7, the Munich resident left the Rechts der Isar hospital in good health. He is convinced: “ Remdisivir healed me. I'm lucky that I got the medicine. ”He can even go back to work next week. "I finally have my life back."

The Schwabing Hospital is also researching remdesivir *. Chief Physician Professor Dr. Clemens Wendtner also has high hopes for the drug. In Munich there are currently strict exit restrictions * due to the corona virus.

Coronavirus: Australian scientists also find promising drug


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

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