The Limited Times

How dentists face the Corona virus

4/18/2020, 3:07:09 PM

Lattakia and Daraa-Sana The dental profession requires strict adherence to precautionary measures to tackle the Coronavirus

Lattakia and Daraa-Sana

The dental profession requires strict adherence to the precautionary measures to deal with the Corona virus, given that dealing directly with the mouth is the appropriate environment for incubating and transmitting the virus.

On the mechanisms of prevention followed by dentists, Dr. Ayham Mansour pointed out the need to adhere to the procedures recommended by the Dental Association, starting with sterilization of surfaces and medical tools and reducing friction between patients by receiving only ambulatory cases and delaying cases that require a long time in their treatment, indicating the need for commitment Visiting dental clinics with preventive measures, as well as the obligation to come to the clinic according to pre-determined dates to prevent congestion inside the clinic.

And Dr. Mansour said in a statement to the SANA correspondent in Lattakia that receiving the visitors to the clinic is for urgent cases that need immediate treatment and do not respond to analgesics, taking into account the general condition of the auditors in terms of the absence of symptoms of any respiratory diseases or infections.

Regarding the procedures that the dentist must take during treatment, Mansour explained that in the event that the treatment was a product for spray, the doctor must wear a muzzle (95 N), protective glasses, a face mask, a spray cap, a head cover, a protective clothing, a semi-transparent insulating garment, a foot cover and medical gloves, and in case it was not The treatment is a spray product, with a level 3 surgical mask, eye protection glasses, a face mask, and medical gloves.

In Daraa, Dr. Ahmed Al-Masalmeh considered that the dentist's tools are among the most dangerous tools that may cause transmission of diseases, including the Corona virus, which requires great caution in dealing with these tools, which requires dentists to take great care of their tools in terms of alcohol sterilization and the special sterilization device.

He pointed out that the dentist must allocate tools to each patient and not use them for any reason whatsoever for another patient and sterilize them immediately after completion with disinfectants at a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius, explaining that the stamps used by the doctor to take dental measurements must be disinfected after each use as well as the heads of the dental drill grip must be cleaned and sterilized After each use.

The pacifist called dentists to be cautious when using anesthesia needles as the doctor must get rid of the needle residue as it is for single use and for each patient separately and in no way may the needle be used for more than one patient as this causes the transmission of infection.

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