The Limited Times

Surprised boy who traded toys for food and more

5/1/2020, 10:20:32 PM

In Michigan, again protests against the Democratic governor who has extended the state of emergency by the covid-19. This time between 400 and 700 protesters, some of them belonging to m ...

In Michigan, again protests against the Democratic governor who has extended the state of emergency by the covid-19. This time between 400 and 700 protesters, some of them belonging to militias and others with messages in favor of President Trump, entered the Capitol heavily armed. Curiously, in that state it is prohibited to carry posters inside the Capitol but it is totally legal to carry weapons, even high caliber. Some of the lawmakers decided to wear bulletproof vests. Protesters call for an end to confinement and the opening of businesses. In Russia, striking images of 5 patients crowded into a laundry room at a hospital in the south of the country that has officially maintained that it has a controlled pandemic. The five women were also hospital health workers where they were convalescing with symptoms of covid-19. Later, they were transferred to a pavilion in better conditions. Russia revealed in its latest count on Friday more than 7,000 deaths in a single day. In Washington, President Trump, who at other times has praised China's work to contend with covid-19, yesterday expressed doubts about whether or not the spread of the virus was by Beijing. And this Global Round of the Coronavirus of @antonanzasma ends in Tijuana, where a 10-year-old boy came to offer his toys for food in the face of the crisis his family is going through.