The Limited Times

Söder raves about Bavaria, when Merkel interrupts him - travel boss bursts her collar

5/2/2020, 2:29:38 PM

The outlook for the travel industry is bleak. Even fun-loving teasing cannot help cheering you up - on the contrary

The outlook for the travel industry is bleak. Even fun-loving teasing cannot help cheering you up - on the contrary

  • Germany is still looking for a way through the coronavirus * crisis.
  • The long-awaited summer vacation in the sun could be a thing of the past. Travel warnings exist.
  • A joke between Merkel and Söder overflows the barrel for the travel industry.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus *. You can also see the current number of cases in Germany as a map *. The most important thing about the topic is also on our brand new Facebook page Corona News.

Berlin - "Travel is not on the agenda for the time being", Chancellor Angela Merkel said last Thursday at the press conference on the new easing measures decided in Germany at the request of a journalist. 

If vacation trips within Germany are actually possible again in spite of the infection in summer, “I can say to anyone traveling south that you don't have to go to Austria. You can also go on holiday in Bavaria, ”adds CSU boss Söder. 

Read also: Austria opens hotels, Croatia plans tourism corridors: Where can you go on vacation despite the corona virus? *

Corona vacation: Söder raves about Bavaria, when Merkel interrupts him


Merkel falls in love with him

, whose constituency is in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania,

again and clarifies 

that you can have a lot of fun in the north. Neither could not help laughing. “Then it is clear where you are going. North or South. ”Söder says and adds pointedly:“ The West is not there. ”Another tip against Armin Laschet, Prime Minister of NRW in western Germany?

A nice scene for many on the edge of the serious corona statements in the past days and weeks.

Corona vacation: travel boss bursts her collar

Not so for the travel division. "Ms. Merkel and Mr. Söder are joking about a dying industry and the lost vacation plans of millions of people," says Marija Linnhoff (57), head of the association of independent travel agencies



Criticism also comes from the opposition: FDP general secretary Linda Teuteberg (39) finds the moody gejuxe in the chancellery "out of place". She explains in the same sheet: “Millions of Germans are wondering whether they can go on a hard-saved vacation this year. Your hosts fear as entrepreneurs for their existence and their employees for their jobs. "

And another one should not like the teasing words: Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. The ÖVP man hopes for tourists - especially from Bavaria - and with him the entire tourism industry in his country. He said in view of the infection numbers: "If someone lives in East Germany, it can be more dangerous to go to NRW than to Austria."

Ryanair reports job cuts in corona crisis

There is also bad news from air traffic. After Lufthansa already relied on state aid and thousands of jobs were in danger, the Irish low-cost airline Ryanair is now reporting a massive job cuts: up to 3000 of the 18,000 jobs worldwide should be cut shortly, the company said on Friday. 

In addition to the loss of up to 3000 jobs for pilots and cabin crew, unpaid holidays, wage cuts of up to 20 percent and the closure of some locations in Europe are also being considered. Ordering new machines is also being put to the test.

"The situation is bleak," Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary told Bloomberg TV. 

And she shouldn't relax at first. Because, as we have known since Thursday at the latest, travel is, according to Merkel's forecast, "not on the agenda for the time being."

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Kay Nietfeld

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