The Limited Times

Corona in Bavaria: Söder will soon promise outdoor pool openings - but there are clear rules

5/23/2020, 7:11:35 AM

Prime Minister Söder has announced the reopening of outdoor pools. In the course of easing the corona measures, many should be pleased - despite strict rules.

Prime Minister Söder has announced the reopening of outdoor pools. In the course of easing the corona measures, many should be pleased - despite strict rules.

  • Gradually, more and more easing of the corona measures also comes into force in Bavaria.
  • Now Prime Minister Markus Söder has also commented on the outdoor pools.
  • These should open again from June 8th - but of course only under certain conditions.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the coronavirus *. You can also see current case numbers in Germany as a map *. The most important thing about the topic is also available on our brand new Facebook page Corona News.

Update of May 23, 2020, 8.35 a.m .: The coronavirus continues to spread, but now the number of people who tested positive for the virus seems to level off to a relatively low number. As the health authorities report on Friday, a further 50 cases have been registered in Bavaria in the past 24 hours . The official figures from the Robert Koch Institute , which are usually higher, have not yet been reported. 

Corona in Bavaria: Söder promises open-air swimming pools after Pentecost - but there are clear rules

Article of origin from May 22, 2020: Munich - After the first ebb of the corona pandemic in Germany, more and more easing of the strong everyday restrictions come into force in the 16 federal states . The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and his cabinet are particularly cautious due to the high number of infections in the Free State .

But Söder has a far-reaching easing announced that on Monday, 8 June due to come into force. So he announced the opening of outdoor swimming pools in Bavaria. During his speech at the CSU Internet Party Conference, which took place on Friday evening (May 22), Söder spoke of the fact that the outdoor swimming pools  and outdoor swimming pools in Bavaria may reopen in the second week of Pentecost holidays. He also mentioned open-air systems in thermal pools and also in normal swimming pools.

After the temperatures in Germany continue to rise and summer is just around the corner, this decision is something after many people, but especially the outdoor pool operators, have longed for. In other federal states, the relaxation of measures for outdoor pools takes place earlier.

Corona measures in Bavaria: Söder promises outdoor swimming pool openings

However, the corona virus casts its shadows: There will be no unrestricted splashing this summer. There are strict requirements for opening the bathrooms .

The distance must also be maintained. So there is the idea that swimming lanes can only be swum in one direction. Markings should be placed on the lawn. Group formation is also prohibited as long as the ban provides for a restriction of contact persons.

Open-air swimming pool openings in Bavaria: strict conditions due to corona pandemic

Of course, the fact that hygiene and disinfection are to be paid more attention to in the bathrooms is, of course, a must. Most operators should have been aware of this in advance anyway. Marcus Maier, authorized representative of the Therme Erding, which, in addition to all the thermal and fun areas, also has a large outdoor area, assured us: "We are prepared and ready to go". The thermal and safety concept of the thermal bath has grown to 100 pages . It is a mixture of protective equipment, tightened disinfection measures and a control and limitation of the flow of visitors .

Strict conditions due to corona pandemic - Bavaria remains happy even in the crisis

It is unclear whether all the restrictions are preventing visitors from visiting the outdoor pool this year. It would be dangerous if people came up with the idea of ​​driving more to the freely accessible but often unsecured river or lake banks instead. But the well-visited beer gardens and restaurants, which have opened to visitors again until 8 p.m. after the first relaxation of the corona restrictions in Bavaria since last Monday (May 18), show that even the mask and distance rules hardly affect the residents of the Free State can take away some of their zest for life. Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger even called the reopening of the beer gardens a "turning point in the Corona crisis".

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


List of rubric lists: © dpa / Armin Weigel

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