The Limited Times

Wp, 1,000 per year killed by police in the USA

6/9/2020, 9:25:44 AM

Since 2015, police have killed nearly a thousand people a year in the US with firearms, with a total of 5400 victims to date. The Washington Post writes analyzing the data. 463 people died at the hands of the agents this year. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, JUNE 8 - Since 2015, the police in the USA have killed almost a thousand people with firearms a year, for a total of 5400 victims to date. Washington writes Postanalysing the data. This year 463 people have died at the hands of the agents.
    "Law and order, do not take away funds and abolish the police. The radical left of the Democrats has gone mad!": So, meanwhile, Donald Trump comments on Twitter "De-fund the police ", the initiative promoted during the protests against the death of George Floyd to remove or reduce the funds to the police department and use them to solve the socio-economic problems of local communities.