The Limited Times

Police officer handcuffs 91-year-olds - and is suspended

8/28/2020, 9:16:13 PM

Because she overlooked a stop sign while driving her car, an elderly lady was to be arrested in Florida. A police officer apparently injured her. Now he has to go on compulsory leave.

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A Florida police officer has been suspended for allegedly handcuffing a 91-year-old woman, apparently injuring her. The offense that the police officer is said to have previously accused the woman of: she did not stop her car at a stop sign.

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno announced that he would be investigating the police officer's conduct. That is how long the man will be sent on compulsory leave. The police officer apparently lacked common sense and compassion, Marceno said.

91-year-old Dorothy Friedenreich said she didn't notice the stop sign while driving her car. The policeman apparently had the impression that she was trying to escape him. During the arrest in front of her house, the police injured her, said Friedenreich, and she had bruises on her arms and cuts. The woman was hospitalized because of the injuries.

Friedenreich said she felt safer after the sheriff personally apologized to her.

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ptz / AP