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Cleopatra: Gal Gadot Attacked On The Net | Israel today

10/12/2020, 12:51:58 PM

| Theater"Hypocrisy", "Shame" and "Cultural Appropriation": The announcement that the Jewish-Israeli actress will play Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, met with great opposition on social media "Shame on you Gal Gadot": Despite the corona crisis, this was undoubtedly a great year for the Israeli superheroine Gal Gadot. About a week ago it was reported that the actress picked up third place in the list of most p

"Hypocrisy", "Shame" and "Cultural Appropriation": The announcement that the Jewish-Israeli actress will play Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, met with great opposition on social media

"Shame on you Gal Gadot":

Despite the corona crisis, this was undoubtedly a great year for the Israeli superheroine Gal Gadot.

About a week ago it was reported that the actress picked up third place in the list of most profitable actresses in Hollywood according to Forbes magazine, and yesterday it was announced that Gal Gadot will step into the shoes of a historical queen, Cleopatra Queen of Egypt - another role in an impressive chain of roles. And many surfers have even expressed resentment over its choice.

Along with hundreds of encouraging responses she received, including from industry friends in Israel and abroad, such as Devin Johnson ("The Rock") and Jason Mamoa, the choice of the Israeli bank for the role of the Egyptian queen managed to provoke a great deal of anger among surfers. The selection of a Jewish, white and Israeli actress for such a role, and they claimed that this was a cultural appropriation and even a disregard for history, and insisted that an Arab or black actress should have been cast for the role.

"Who is the idiot in Hollywood who thought it was a good idea for an Israeli cast, and another with such a 'fur' look for the role of Cleopatra, instead of an Arab actress like Nadine Najim," tweeted journalist Samira Kahan.

"Shame on you, Gal Gadot," she continued, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Your country steals Western lands and you steal roles from them."

"Through the eyes of women? You probably mean the eyes of everyone who makes cultural appropriation. Kipak hi to that," another surfer raged.

"Hypocrisy that a proud Jewish woman embodies the historical role of an Egyptian figure."

"I can't wait to boycott this bullshit," tweeted another nervous surfer.

"Damn. I love Gal, but Hollywood perpetuates the lie 'Ancient Egyptians were white,'" another wrote.

"An inconceivable contempt. You are an Israeli woman who plays an Arab character," an angry surfer said.

"It's not going to end well."

"Another attempt at a historic cultural appropriation of whites ... it's shocking how you deny women of color important roles."

While the onslaught on the banks has intensified, there have also been surfers who have made a more balanced voice: "I am disgusted by the amount of judgmental people sitting here criticizing who plays what role ... these hateful people are spreading negativity everywhere to bring down these people and that's all envy. Enough. Enough. "There's enough trouble even without it," tweeted a surfer who was fed up with Sheaming who abducted Gadot.

Others praised Gadot and expressed joy at the casting.

"She was great at 'Wonder Woman.'"

Another surfer made a particularly interesting point in light of Gadot's choice for the position: "The ancient Egyptians are rolling their eyes at the tomb now that they know that a Jewish Israeli will play Cleopatra, when the Jews were their slaves," he wrote.


"I like to go on new journeys," Gal Gadot wrote excitedly on her social accounts after the news broke that she would play the Egyptian queen.

"I love the excitement around new projects, the thrill of reducing life in new stories. Cleopatra is a story I've wanted to tell for a long time."

Gadot added that she is especially proud to unveil the project on the day of International Girl's Day (October 11).

"We will tell her story in a way she has never told on the big screen before, for the first time through the eyes of women behind the camera and in front of her," she wrote.

"We hope that women and girls all over the world, who aspire to tell stories will never give up on their dreams and will make their voices heard, by and for other women."

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Gadot (35) will not only star in the lead role in the film produced by Vermont Studios, but will also serve as a producer with her husband Yaron Versano through their production company Pilot Wave, which won the tender to produce giants such as Universal, Warner Brothers, Netflix and Apple.

The film will be directed by Patti Jenkins, who directed Gadot in the film "Wonder Woman" and the sequel "Wonder Woman 1984" with the script entrusted to Lata Klogridis who will also be the lead producer.

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