The Limited Times

Christmas: sources, red zone from 24 to 6 holidays and days before holidays

12/18/2020, 1:49:41 PM

On working days throughout Italy in the orange area (ANSA) From 24 December to 6 January Italy will be the red zone on holidays and the day before holidays and the orange zone on working days . It is the orientation that emerges, according to what is learned from government sources, from the summit of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte with the majority heads of delegation and Minister Boccia. Now there will be a comparison with the regions.

From 24 December to 6 January Italy will be the red zone on holidays and the day before holidays and the orange zone on working days


It is the orientation that emerges, according to what is learned from government sources, from the summit of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte with the majority heads of delegation and Minister Boccia.

Now there will be a comparison with the regions.

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