The Limited Times

Contrary to the High Court ruling: Flights will continue to be restricted, 4,000 will be able to enter Israel daily - Walla! News

3/20/2021, 9:10:30 PM

Regulations that set a daily quota of 3,000 landers were due to expire at midnight, but a statement sent by the Foreign Ministry to world missions said they would expand by just 1,000 passengers due to "operational restrictions". Most of the flights that will be approved will be destinations from which Israelis are expected to arrive to vote in the elections.

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Contrary to the High Court ruling: the restriction of flights will continue, 4,000 will be able to enter Israel every day

Regulations that set a daily quota of 3,000 landers were due to expire at midnight, but a statement sent by the Foreign Ministry to world missions said they would expand by just 1,000 passengers due to "operational restrictions".

Most of the flights that will be approved will be destinations from which Israelis are expected to arrive to vote in the elections.


  • Corona virus

  • Flights

  • Ben Gurion Airport

Lightning Ravid

Saturday, 20 March 2021, 22:31 Updated: 23:08

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In the video: The director general of the Ministry of Health promises to respect the High Court's decision on Ben Gurion Airport despite the danger of infection (Photo: GPO)

The passenger entry regulations for Israel will expire tonight (Sunday), but the skies will not be fully opened despite a High Court ruling.

On Wednesday, the judges disqualified the Exceptions Committee and the daily quota of 3,000 passengers, and ruled that these restrictions could not be extended in their current format after they expire next Saturday. Comprehensive and up-to-date factual and ensure that they meet the required constitutional tests.

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Oren Luxenburg

To the full article

The restrictions will remain.

Passengers at Ben Gurion Airport, this month (Photo: Reuven Castro)

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