The Limited Times

Iranian cargo ship damaged by Red Sea explosion

4/7/2021, 8:28:53 AM

An Iranian cargo ship in the Red Sea was "slightly damaged" in an "explosion". The Iranian authorities report this. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - TEHRAN, 07 APR - An Iranian cargo ship in the Red Sea was "slightly damaged" in an "explosion". The Iranian authorities report it. An "Iranian trading ship", the Saviz, was "slightly damaged in the Red Sea" yesterday following an explosion that is now the subject of an investigation, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saïd Khatibzadeh said in a statement. The explosion is produced "near the coast of Djibouti on Tuesday 6 April around 6 am local time," Khatibzadeh added.

   Previously, the Iranian agency Tasnima reported that the Saviz, used by the Iranian military, had been damaged by "magnetic mines". The New York Times had also written that "Israelis" are behind the explosion. (HANDLE).

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