The Limited Times

The hunting of glue declared illegal by the French justice

6/29/2021, 12:27:59 AM

France was until then the last country in Europe to still allow this practice, banned by EU justice. The glue hunt was finally ruled illegal Monday by the highest French administrative court, putting an end to years of battle between supporters and opponents of this controversial method. After having questioned the European justice, which had estimated in March that this trapping technique causes an "irremediable" damage to all the captured birds, the Council of State definitively canceled the e

The glue hunt was finally ruled illegal Monday by the highest French administrative court, putting an end to years of battle between supporters and opponents of this controversial method.

After having questioned the European justice, which had estimated in March that this trapping technique causes an "irremediable" damage to all the captured birds, the Council of State definitively canceled the exemptions granted by the State for this hunt, judged " contrary to European law ”.

> More information to follow