The Limited Times

Tennis: ex-champion Chris Evert reveals that he has cancer

1/15/2022, 8:47:30 AM

Winner of 18 Grand Slam tournaments, tennis legend Chris Evert is battling cancer. Former American tennis champion Chris Evert, winner of 18 Grand Slam titles in the 70s and 80s, announced that she had ovarian cancer on Friday on her Twitter account. “ I wanted to announce that I have been diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer. I feel very lucky that he was spotted in time and am awaiting positive results from my chemotherapy treatment ,” Evert, 67, wrote. “ Thank you for resp

Former American tennis champion Chris Evert, winner of 18 Grand Slam titles in the 70s and 80s, announced that she had ovarian cancer on Friday on her Twitter account.

I wanted to announce that I have been diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer.

I feel very lucky that he was spotted in time and am awaiting positive results from my chemotherapy treatment

,” Evert, 67, wrote.

Thank you for respecting my need to focus on my health and treatment.

You will see me appear from home at times during ESPN's Australian Open coverage

,” concluded the consultant for the sports media giant.

On the channel's website, Chris Evert has also given more details about the fight she is leading.

Her cancer, specifically stage 1C, which means it is in one or both ovaries, was discovered following a preventive hysterectomy in early December.

It was not detected elsewhere in his body.

His sister died of the same cancer in 2020

She began the first of six chemotherapy sessions this week.

Her younger sister Jeanne Evert Dubin, also a former professional tennis player, died aged 62 in February 2020 from ovarian cancer.

When I go to chemo, she is my inspiration.

She will help me overcome this ordeal

,” said Chris Evert, who underwent a second operation on December 13, the initial hysterectomy having revealed the presence of malignant cells and a tumor from the left fallopian tube.

After this second intervention, the pathological examinations came back negative: the cancer was removed.

After chemotherapy, “

there is more than a 90% chance

” that her cancer will never come back, her surgeon assured her.

Chris Evert, who wanted to testify '

to help other

' women, is one of the greatest tennis players in history, known for her precise play, her composure and her rivalry with Martina Navratilova on the courts .

Never ranked below fourth in the world between 1972 and 1989, Evert won 157 singles titles, boasting the highest winning percentage in history for both men and women (90.05%).

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