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USA: Arms and aircraft sales to Jordan and Saudi Arabia approved | Israel Today

2/4/2022, 8:49:08 AM

According to the Pentagon statement, among the weapons included in the deal - 12 F-16 fighter jets • The arms deals were signed against the background of the escalation in recent weeks in the Gulf region

The United States today (Friday) granted initial approval for the sale of advanced weapons to its allies in the region, including Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, according to the Pentagon statement.

Among the weapons included in the deal are 12 F-16 fighter jets and ancillary equipment to be provided after final approval to Amman, in a deal valued at $ 4.2 billion, the U.S. Department of Defense's Defense Cooperation (DSCA) said in an official statement last night.

For Riyadh, the State Department has decided to approve a "sale of multifunctional terminals for the distribution of low-volume information (MIDS-LVT) and related equipment," at an estimated cost of $ 23.7 million.

In addition, Washington will provide ancillary equipment and spare parts for the United Arab Emirates' air defense systems in a deal worth about $ 30 million, on the details of the DSCA.

The new arms deals come amid escalation in recent weeks in the Gulf, with three Houthi attacks on the UAE in January: In two, the alarms were activated after another launch was intercepted during President Yitzhak Herzog's official visit to the country.

A week earlier, anti-aircraft batteries stationed at al-Dafra air base in Abu Dhabi intercepted two missiles launched from Yemen. More.

According to the Houthis, the launches are a response to the airstrikes that the Saudi-led Arab coalition is carrying out against them in Yemen.

The West and Jerusalem claim that the Islamic Republic of Iran is behind the rebels.

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