The Limited Times

Season tickets for the Alpenwarmbad in Benediktbeuern available from Monday

4/24/2022, 1:09:45 PM

Season tickets for the Alpenwarmbad in Benediktbeuern available from Monday Created: 04/24/2022, 15:00 By: Stefanie Wegele This is what it will look like again soon in the Alpenwarmbad in Benediktbeuern. © Tourist Info The popular Alpenwarmbad in Benediktbeuern is expected to start operating again on May 7th. The team is looking for reinforcements, including a cashier and lifeguards. Benedikt

Season tickets for the Alpenwarmbad in Benediktbeuern available from Monday

Created: 04/24/2022, 15:00

By: Stefanie Wegele

This is what it will look like again soon in the Alpenwarmbad in Benediktbeuern.

© Tourist Info

The popular Alpenwarmbad in Benediktbeuern is expected to start operating again on May 7th.

The team is looking for reinforcements, including a cashier and lifeguards.

Benediktbeuern - It's still a bit chilly outside - but soon the temperatures will climb and attract young and old visitors to the outdoor pools.

The Alpenwarmbad Benediktbeuern is expected to start the new bathing season on Saturday, May 7th.

Advance sales for season tickets begin next Monday, April 25, at the tourist information office, telephone 0 88 57/248, Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

The order form can be printed out in advance on the website at

In addition, according to the notification, a current photograph must be brought along.

These are the prices

The opening times are then daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

This year there are again season tickets for children from their 5th birthday up to and including 15 years of age for 60 euros.

Season tickets for adults cost 130 euros.

Instead of the previous point cards, there are value cards from this season.

These cost 45 euros, they have a value of 50 euros and are only available in the bathroom.

Point cards that are still in circulation can still be redeemed in 2022.

After that they lose their validity.

The entire price table and further information can be found at

New employees wanted

According to the tourist information, the Alpenwarmbad team is also looking for reinforcements for the upcoming season.

Specifically, a cashier and a specialist employee for pool operations or a lifeguard are required.

Further details can be found at

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