The Limited Times

Dispute over Aegean islands: Erdogan threatens Europe with the next war

6/11/2022, 4:21:51 AM

Dispute over Aegean islands: Erdogan threatens Europe with the next war Created: 06/11/2022, 06:10 By: Georg Anastasiadis The Turkish threats against Greece - commented by Georg Anastasiadis. © Ebrahim Noroozi/AP/dpa/Marcus sleep Ankara lays claim to Greek islands, Turkish fighter bombers penetrate Greek airspace daily. Erdogan's threats sound increasingly shrill. A commentary by Georg Anastas

Dispute over Aegean islands: Erdogan threatens Europe with the next war

Created: 06/11/2022, 06:10

By: Georg Anastasiadis

The Turkish threats against Greece - commented by Georg Anastasiadis.

© Ebrahim Noroozi/AP/dpa/Marcus sleep

Ankara lays claim to Greek islands, Turkish fighter bombers penetrate Greek airspace daily.

Erdogan's threats sound increasingly shrill.

A commentary by Georg Anastasiadis.

Munich - It wasn't long ago that the conservative government in Athens - also from Berlin - had to listen to critical questions about how it could be that poor Greece of all people was investing so much money in national defense.

Prime Minister Mitsotakis answered succinctly: "Because Turkey is our neighbor and not Denmark."

The fact that Athens' assessment of the situation in dealing with dictators was more realistic than that of many other European countries long before the outbreak of the Ukraine war is brutally demonstrated by the new warnings from Turkish President Erdogan: He is threatening more and more openly to attack the Greek islands in the East Aegean , including Rhodes and Kos.

Dispute over Aegean islands: Berlin and Athens are in the same boat

Erdogan, who is under pressure because of the severe economic crisis and the approaching presidential election, can do anything to distract himself from his domestic political problems - even a war against NATO ally Greece.

Turkish fighter jets are already penetrating Greek airspace on a daily basis.

That's why it's good that Chancellor Scholz is now listening to Athens' concerns on the spot.

Berlin and Athens are in the same boat when it comes to Turkey: an indispensable part of Turkey's threats is always to open the floodgates for migrants.

They are not drawn to Greece, but to Central Europe, but the conservative government keeps its promise not to simply “wave the immigrants through”.

Anyone visiting the Greek metropolises of Athens and Thessaloniki these days will see how badly the country is already suffering from the many migrants stranded in the country.

In order to damage the neighboring country even more, Erdogan doesn't even have to throw bombs: His threats of war are enough to drive away tourists, whose money the country is so desperately dependent on after its financial crisis.

This, too, is a form of warfare that calls for a clear European response.

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