The Limited Times

Migrants: NGO, decree will make the Mediterranean more dangerous

1/5/2023, 11:59:41 AM

"We, civil organizations engaged in search and rescue (SAR) activities in the central Mediterranean, express our deepest concern about the latest attempt by a European government to obstruct assistance to people in distress at sea". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, 05 JAN - "We, civil organizations engaged in search and rescue (SAR) activities in the central Mediterranean, express our deepest concern for the latest attempt by a European government to hinder assistance to people in distress at sea ".

This is what the NGOs involved in sea rescue activities write in a joint document, adding that "the new decree law, signed by the Italian President on 2 January 2023, will reduce sea rescue capabilities and make the central Mediterranean even more dangerous, one of the routes most lethal migrations in the world".

   The document, signed among others by Emergency, IuventaCrew, MSF, Mare Liberum, Open Arma and Sea-Whatch, states that the "decree is apparently aimed at civil aid NGOs, but the real price will be paid by people fleeing across the central Mediterranean and find themselves in dangerous situations.

The non-governmental organizations continue: "Overall, the Italian decree-law contradicts international maritime law, human rights and European law, and should therefore elicit a strong reaction from the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Member States and the European institutions. We urge the Italian government immediately withdraw the decree law just issued.

   We also ask all members of the Italian Parliament to oppose the decree, thus preventing its conversion into law".
