The Limited Times

Valentine's Day: why is a couple's massage the gift to give?

2/13/2023, 12:40:13 PM

In the spas of high-end hotels, the duo cabin is increasingly coveted. A look back at this singular craze on the eve of Valentine's Day


Our duo cabin is regularly full and those who wish to have a massage there categorically refuse two separate cabins or experience a treatment one after the other



notes Francesca Riccitiello, director of the Terraké spa at the Bowmann hotel located at 99 boulevard Haussmann in Paris.

Would we therefore be numerous to like to feel his dear and tender having his muscles kneaded?

It would seem so: “

Today, 50% of our massages are performed in pairs

, continues the manager.

As the hotel is near the big stores, we welcome a lot of tourist lovers.

When the stay reaches three nights, they often book a treatment for two between a shopping spree and a visit to monuments, it is part of the romance of Paris.

Everyone chooses their Terraké ritual but we keep a synchronization of gestures, with also the same reception protocol, - oshibori on the feet, hot towel on the eyes, etc.

» The most popular establishments for getting together for a beauty treatment are those that have a swimming pool and a steam room sauna for lounging just beforehand.

Many hotels have thus taken advantage of the closures linked to the pandemic to move upmarket by equipping themselves with well-being areas.

Many men would not come alone but follow their wives.

On site, they visit the whole spa with curiosity,

specifies Francesca Riccitiello.

It's the perfect Valentine's Day gift even if we also welcome mother-daughter or friend duos.

(from 170€ per person for 1h to 300€ for 2h, Ed).

The palaces are not to be outdone, such as the Cheval Blanc Paris and its Dior Spa where you have to wait more than a week to obtain the Bonheur duo suite.

In this intimate cocoon with decoration reminiscent of Monsieur Dior's love for roses, the choice is made from the treatment menu (€480 for 1 hour for two and €800 for 2 hours).

It is also possible to add a ritual of thirty minutes (120€ per person).

For this, the cabin has a private sauna and steam room.

The experience begins on the ground, with a table that then goes up.

On their knees, beauticians rock clients with sheets for an immediate escape.

A majority of couples add this option,

Massages for two are part of these new original gifts, surfing on the now founding contradiction of the couple: we want to remain ourselves, and at the same time live together.


Jean-Claude Kaufmann, author of Saint-Valentin, my love.

This timeless parenthesis also attracts local and loyal customers.

For them, the Valmont spa at the Meurice hotel has come up with a Valentine's Day treatment this year called Walk in the Gardens of L'Aube (€590 for a duo).

This ephemeral ritual is only valid on February 14, 18 and 19.

Many regulars wanted a specific offer, so we are experimenting,

says Justine Borget, director of Spa Valmont for Le Meurice.

It all starts with a session in the sauna or steam room, before a body and then face massage with a gua sha, a cold stone that men prefer to product applications.

The tasting of a Cédric Grolet pastry accompanied by a glass of champagne ends the moment pleasantly.

So many diverse and varied proposals that hardly surprise the sociologist Jean-Claude Kaufmann, author of

Saint-Valentin, my love

(published by Les liens qui liberant).

There is a real general weariness with Valentine's Day.

Massages for two are part of these new original gifts, surfing on the now founding contradiction of the couple: we want to remain ourselves, and at the same time live together.

However, they precisely offer a personal well-being, while being linked to the other.

But can one really have both pleasures at the same time, the personal and the conjugal?

In ordinary life, moments for oneself and moments for two are lived rather successively


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