The Limited Times

Green light for new rules on traceability in the fisheries sector - Last hour

10/17/2023, 1:59:50 PM

Highlights: The European Parliament gave the green light with 438 votes in favour, 146 against and 40 abstentions to the new EU measures for the control of fishing activities. Under the new rules, all vessels will have to have a tracking device on board that allows national authorities to locate and identify them at regular intervals. For the first time, recreational vessels will also have to report their catches through electronic systems set up by national authorities. The rules, with today's final approval, will enter into force as soon as they enter the European Journal.

The European Parliament gave the green light with 438 votes in favour, 146 against and 40 abstentions to the new EU measures for the control of fishing activities. (ANSA)

The European Parliament gave the green light with 438 votes in favour, 146 against and 40 abstentions to the new EU measures for the control of fishing activities. Under the EU's renewed fisheries control system, all vessels will be monitored and all catches will be recorded to ensure full traceability. For 18-metre fishing vessels, there is an obligation to have remote electronic monitoring systems on board, including CCTV cameras. Under the new rules, all vessels will have to have a tracking device on board that allows national authorities to locate and identify them at regular intervals. Some small vessels will be able to be exempted from this obligation but only until 2030, while all fishing fleets will have four years to adapt to the new requirements. In addition, all EU vessels will have to record and report their catches in a digitalised way directly during the fishing phase. Masters of vessels of less than 12 metres in length will be given the opportunity to complete and submit a simplified declaration once they arrive in port but before disembarking.
Finally, for the first time, recreational vessels will also have to report their catches through electronic systems set up by national authorities. The rules, with today's final approval, will enter into force as soon as they enter the European Journal.

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