The Limited Times

Javier Milei gave his approval on social media to a possible solution for the Leliqs

12/16/2023, 9:10:37 PM

Highlights: Javier Milei gave his approval on social media to a possible solution for the Leliqs. The President responded to a proposal made by economist Iván Carrino. "COOOOOOORRECTO," the President wrote, in capital letters and simulating a shout, to deliver the first public indication of the matter. Inflation in Argentina is at 1% per day, which means that it is at 3,678% per year, Milei warned on Friday about hyperinflation.

The President responded to a proposal made by economist Iván Carrino. "Correct" was the word chosen by the libertarian, in capital letters and in a shouting tone, to endorse that theory.

Javier Milei gave a nod this Saturday on social networks to a theory expressed by economist Iván Carrino in the same media regarding a possible solution for the Leliqs, one of the most controversial points of the Argentine economic situation.

It was when responding to a post by X with a single word and a rather particular emphasis for an issue that crept into the presidential campaign as one of the priorities for his future administration and for which announcements are still awaited. "COOOOOOORRECTO," the President wrote, in capital letters and simulating a shout, to deliver the first public indication of the matter.

What Carrino said in a message published on Saturday morning was that "if the plan for the Leliq is to replace them with a treasury bond, what the treasury must do immediately with the proceeds from the subscription of this new bond is to cancel debt with the BCRA."

"Those pesos should stay in the BCRA so as not to go 'to the street,'" the economist said in his post. "The creditor of leliq is now a creditor of the treasury and at maturity the treasury pays with a fiscal surplus or renews the debt. Meanwhile, with the proceeds, the treasury can cancel its debt with the central bank," he added in response to a user's query.

Then another user asked Carrino a specific question: "Let's say that you can return the famous "transitory advances" that the BCRA made to the treasury?" Carrino nodded.

Javier Milei's response to a publication by economist Iván Carrino about Leliqs

Also through social media, Milei warned on Friday about hyperinflation. "If you annualize this figure, inflation is traveling at 7,550% per year... In my neighborhood, they call it hyperinflation...", he remarked when responding to a publication where they pointed to inflation of 18.1% in the first half of December, according to data from a consulting firm.

"I hope you understand the extraordinary effort we are making to avert a catastrophe in terms of poverty and destitution... We will win...!!," the President warned.

Earlier that day, after drawing off his last salary as a deputy, he referred to the same issue: "Today my top priority is to end hyperinflation. Inflation in Argentina is at 1% per day, which means that it is at 3,678% per year."

Milei's tweet about hyperinflation.

Along these lines, the libertarian president stressed that in pursuit of that objective of "avoiding hyperinflation" even greater is that he ordered "a hyper-orthodox program with a strong fiscal adjustment, to bring the financial deficit to zero."

"Everything that has to do with the sincerity of the foreign exchange market, the restructuring of the Central Bank to put an end to the problem of remunerated liabilities," he continued emphatically.