The Limited Times

After moving out of the jungle camp: Cora Schumacher talks about Oliver Pocher – “I’m not mad at him”

1/26/2024, 4:09:03 AM

Highlights: After moving out of the jungle camp: Cora Schumacher talks about Oliver Pocher – “I’m not mad at him”. “Just a woman with style and class,” Pocher mocked Cora in a live recording from a program. The comedian uses the model's statements to make fun of it on stage for his current tour program "Liebeskasper". “Either you can handle it or you can’t,’ Cora said in the interview.

As of: January 26, 2024, 4:59 a.m

By: Florian Schwartz




Cora Schumacher is back at the “Imperial” hotel.

In the jungle camp, the 47-year-old made a surprising confession of love - Oliver Pocher was fond of her.

A great treat for the comedian.

Gold Coast (Australia) – Cora Schumacher (47)'s early exit from the RTL jungle camp surprised viewers.

There was wild speculation about the exact motives.

Back at the “Imperial” hotel, the 47-year-old answered questions in an emotional interview with the tabloid magazine “RTL Exclusiv”.

She also said a few words about her confession of love for comedian Oliver Pocher (45).

After the jungle camp confession: This is how Oliver Pocher feels about Cora Schumacher

With her confession of love, Cora Schumacher caused quite a surprise right at the beginning of the season of “I’m a Star – Get Me Out of Here!”

Ralf Schumacher's ex (48) revealed that her heart beats for the "funny Olli from Cologne" and didn't hold back about her "crush".

But after leaving the jungle camp, Cora was confronted with Oliver Pocher's reaction.

And it turns out to be far more sobering.

Because Oliver Pocher seems to find the love confession in the jungle rather amusing.

The comedian uses the model's statements to make fun of it on stage for his current tour program "Liebeskasper".

“I just wanted something different.

“Just a woman with style and class,” Pocher mocked Cora in a live recording from a program.

Jungle camp candidate Cora Schumacher: This is what she thinks about Oliver Pocher

The blonde ex-camper doesn't seem to mind that Oliver Pocher makes his jokes about Cora Schumacher.

“I'm not mad at him.

“I know him and I think everyone knows who he is – because everyone who even goes on a date with the man knows what he is like,” she said in the interview.

After moving out of the jungle camp, Cora Schumacher comments on her love confession and reveals in an interview with “RTL Exclusiv” how she feels about Oliver Pocher.

© Screenshot: “I’m a star – get me out of here!” / RTL+ & IMAGO / Future Image

“Either you can handle it or you can’t,” Cora Schumacher continued.

She got to know Oliver Pocher differently.

For her, he is a loving person who makes her laugh.

Nevertheless, she wants to have a clarifying conversation with Olli - but this should take place far away from the public.

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After just three episodes, Cora Schumacher voluntarily threw in the towel and moved out of the jungle camp.

Now it became known what was behind her decision.

Sources used:

RTL Exclusiv from January 23, 2024

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