Audrey Lamy was the victim of a home-jacking in the south of France in 2022. A year and a half after the events, their trial was held on April 3 before the Montpellier judicial court, without the presence of the actress.

The three men, of Italian-Bosnian origin, are in fact immigrants from Eastern Europe in an irregular situation in France. On April 3, two of the burglars were released, while the third was sentenced to one year in prison and ten years banned from entering French territory. In 2023, the host Nikos, the singer Vitaa and even the chef Cyril Lignac were the unfortunate targets of home- jacking. The latter are already being prosecuted by the public prosecutor, who has taken charge of the case. The burglars being involved in nearly fifteen thefts over the year 2022. The trial took place before the court, based on the complaint filed by the prosecution and not by the actress, who would have “preferred to let it slide” instead of adding more charges.